7月 26, 2021

除了液体香水和香水膏之外,你是否了解过Jo Loves这款“香水画笔”?

Jo Loves_ Fragrance Paintbrush

還記得Jo LovesZARA聯手推出的香水嗎?這個價錢親民、一上架就被光速 sold out 的香水系列,讓不少女生認識了這個由Jo Malone London創辦人所推出的個人香氛品牌,而Jo Loves近日釋出了全新的Fragrance Paintbrush系列「香水畫筆」,再度引來香水控爭相入手!

Jo Loves_ Fragrance Paintbrush

This Fragrance Paintbrush is different from regular perfume rollerballs. It has a brush head like a makeup brush, with a control button at the other end to release the fragrance inside. It’s convenient for everyone to apply the desired amount to the skin. With its compact and portable design, it’s easy for girls to keep the perfume brush in their handbags and touch up their scent anytime!

Jo Loves_ Fragrance Paintbrush

In addition, the fragrance in the “perfume brush” is in gel form, containing a quick-drying formula that prevents the fragrance from feeling sticky on the skin after application, and is not easily washed away by sweat. The scent inside the brush is full of a summer atmosphere, such as grapefruit, pink rock rose, green orange and coriander, rose and lemon leaf, all carrying a fresh and vibrant scent, suitable for this season in terms of both fragrance and texture! 此外,“香水画笔”内的香氛为凝胶状,其中蕴含速干配方,使香氛涂抹于肌肤后不会出现黏腻感,也不容易因汗水而冲刷掉。笔内的气息更充满夏日氛围,例如柚子、粉红岩兰草、青橙与香菜、玫瑰与柠檬叶等,均充满清新活力的气息,无论香气或是质感都同样适合这个季节!

Jo Loves_ Fragrance Paintbrush

值得一提的是,Jo Loves 为 Fragrance Paintbrush 推出了补充装笔芯,让大家以更环保的方式补充香水,有兴趣的你不妨到官网入手!

了解更多:Jo Loves

圖片來源:instagram@jolovesofficial_kr, jolovesofficial

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