3月 31, 2023



每位女生都希望拥有自带美肌滤镜般的完美妆容,但总是遇到肌肤出油问题而导致浮粉脱妆,出门前细心遮盖的肌肤瑕疵瞬间就无所遁形!NARS 近日推出了年度最强的「持妆神器」全新柔雾完美粉饼,还带来了3款色号,无论是冷、暖或中性色调肌肤都能轻松打造全天候贴服无瑕的高质感妆容!


Many girls worry that a matte makeup look will make their skin appear dull and lackluster. However, NARS Soft Matte Perfect Powder Foundation can perfectly solve this makeup concern. Not only does it create a delicate matte makeup look, but it also brings a three-dimensional and natural soft matte glow! In order to keep the complexion radiant all day long, the foundation is formulated with antioxidant complexes to prevent oxidation and darkening of the makeup. At the same time, it helps to prevent excessive oil secretion caused by environmental pollution, free radicals, and blue light, making the makeup last longer and look more natural!


NARS Soft Matte Perfect Powder Foundation contains star-rated oil-control powder and mica minerals treated with cocoa butter, combined with oil-control technology, which helps target oily areas of the skin, providing 24-hour oil control and softening imperfections, balancing facial radiance, making the base makeup not dry or cakey, and bringing a flawless and smooth makeup look with full staying power! With the ingredient of Vitamin B3, it can smooth the skin, significantly control skin oiliness within 4 weeks, and improve pores and texture*, helping to enhance skin quality, while beautifying and caring for the skin at the same time!


此外,NARS 柔霧完美粉餅的絲滑質感同樣令一眾「美妝控」愛不釋手,能夠輕鬆地暈染均勻,而這款多用途粉餅既可單獨使用,亦可配合同系列的柔霧完美粉底液,做到 24 小時持妝、不暗沉!

This flagship foundation instantly creates a matte base makeup, and it also contains ingredients that help control oil and moisturize the skin. With a range of shades that can match different skin tones, it has a natural and lightweight texture that feels like a second layer of skin, creating a perfect makeup effect with a dewy finish.




If you want to further perfect the concealing effect, you can gently dab the Soft Matte Perfect Concealer on acne scars, pores, and wrinkles to specifically cover up imperfections. Finally, lightly set the makeup with the Soft Matte Perfect Powder Foundation to make the look more long-lasting and refined!

*基於對 31 位試用者的臨床研究結果


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