May 31, 2024

A must-read for beginners! A comparison of 4 popular repair essences: Little Red Bottle, Little Brown Bottle, Little Blue Bottle, Little Black Bottle


There are hundreds of essences on the market, from drugstore to department store, each with different usage and effects! The popular little red bottle, little brown bottle, little blue bottle, and little black bottle that are often compared in the skincare world, how should you choose among these four flagship repair essences? ZTYLEZ analyzes various essences based on functionality, texture, and skin type, so let’s see which one is most suitable for you!

Shiseido’s most well-known “little red bottle” flagship immunity essence has always been a classic product of the brand, focusing on stable repair, containing precious reishi, hibiscus, and Japanese ten-herb essence, effectively enhancing skin immunity. It is not only useful when changing seasons, in fact, ULTIMUNE loyal fans almost never leave it all year round! With a water-like refreshing and essence-like nourishing texture, it not only hydrates but also nourishes. Two pumps are enough to apply to the entire face, it is a quick fix for daytime dryness and redness. Once used, it brings back the firm, tender, and bright skin that cannot be returned to, restoring youthful skin, suitable for oily skin, combination skin, and sensitive skin!

Shiseido ULTIMUNE Power Infusing Concentrate HK$350/15ml; HK$620/30ml; HK$860/50ml; HK$1,050/75ml

Known as the savior of dry skin and a must-buy for beginners in anti-aging, the “little brown bottle” has been selling well for nearly 40 years, always beloved by skincare enthusiasts! Combining moisturizing, repairing, and anti-aging properties in one, it focuses on daytime protection and nighttime repair, providing stable repair to the skin, making it instantly hydrated and radiant! Improving skin dullness, roughness, enlarged pores, fine lines, and other issues with sufficient moisturizing power, achieving a brightening effect on the skin. With a non-greasy texture, it is suitable for dry skin, sensitive skin, and even acne-prone skin without any burden!

Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Serum HK$690/30ml; HK$965/50ml; HK$1,215/75ml

Further reading:

  • The 8 Show: A Survival Game Crazier Than Death! 8 Key Points of Characters and Plot in the Netflix Korean Drama, Will There Be a Season 2?
  • 2024 Father’s Day Gift Recommendations: A List of Perfumes to Upgrade the Taste of Fashionable Dads!
  • TAKAMI debuts in Hong Kong! How did the “little blue bottle” stand out and become the out-of-stock king in the Japanese skincare industry?
  • Known as the “little blue bottle” in the Japanese skincare industry, it combines the advantages of toner and essence, advocating for protecting the skin barrier rather than exfoliating it. It activates the skin cells and regulates skin metabolism with just one application! Recommended for use as STEP 0 after cleansing, skipping the toner step, to create smooth, translucent, and radiant skin from the base, combating the most concerning issue for women – pores, achieving a natural and gentle skin brightening effect! In addition, its lightweight and easily absorbed texture is gentle and non-irritating, suitable for sensitive and acne-prone skin! Worth mentioning is the scale on the glass dropper, showing the amount used, which is very thoughtful!

    TAKAMI Skinpeel Essence Exfoliating Essence HK$410/30ml

    The “Little Black Bottle” has gained countless fans since its launch, not only because of its exclusive patented micro-ecological technology in the industry, but also because it is rich in various micro-ecological nutrients and powerful ingredients. It focuses on internal repair and external skin stabilization, effectively regulating skin micro-ecology, balancing water and oil, moisturizing, and can definitely be considered a multi-functional base essence! The texture is refreshing and non-greasy, with excellent absorption and penetration effects, making it suitable as a skin base liquid to help skin absorb nutrients, suitable for oily and combination skin! The press-type dropper design automatically absorbs the right amount, which is also the reason why editors were hooked in one second!

    Lancôme Génifique Advanced Youth Activating Concentrate HK$790/30ml; HK$1,130/50ml; HK$1,950/115ml
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