September 1, 2021

Korean Clean Beauty skincare brand iBrea lands in Hong Kong, featuring natural skincare products and environmentally friendly home antibacterial products!

With “natural” and “organic” becoming hot search keywords in the beauty industry, many girls have also started to switch to skincare products that focus on “Clean Beauty,” hoping to maintain their skin in a way that is additive-free and harmless, while also avoiding burdening the environment. Recently, the Korean Clean Beauty brand iBrea has landed in Hong Kong, bringing two product lines of natural skincare and clean home products.


One of the iBrea Skin series features exclusive Grap.6es™ nano-carbon water, which promotes skin absorption, providing anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, wrinkle-smoothing, and antioxidant effects. The product also contains Squalive™ squalane, as well as extracts of Polygonum multiflorum, Houttuynia cordata, and Centella asiatica, and has passed the German skin sensitivity test. It does not contain chemical stabilizers or preservatives, reducing skin irritation.


The selected series includes Skin Relief Carbon Water Cooling Moisturizing Repair Cream, which helps deeply nourish the skin, regulate skin condition, and repair cellular metabolism. The Skin Relief Carbon Water Long-lasting Repair Moisturizing Body Lotion is oil-free and refreshing, providing long-lasting moisturizing effects, relieving itching, calming the skin. Both the repair cream and moisturizing body lotion are available in two versions: unscented and mint.


In the face of the ongoing pandemic, iBrea has also introduced the iBrea Home series, which uses the German patented MicroSilver BG™ silver antibacterial and antiviral technology. The unique multi-porous structure of micronized silver helps it firmly adhere to the skin surface and objects, continuously releasing silver ions to achieve long-lasting antibacterial function. This patented technology does not produce waste emissions, making it more environmentally friendly.


Unlike products on the market that contain high concentrations of alcohol and other chemical ingredients, the iBrea Home series of micronized silver antibacterial moisturizing hand cream does not contain any alcohol. It kills bacteria while providing long-lasting moisture to the hands. The micronized silver alcohol-free antibacterial hand gel contains only a low 38% alcohol content, providing long-lasting protection for up to 2 hours. Additionally, there is an alcohol-free micronized silver antibacterial protective spray that can be sprayed on surfaces to kill bacteria and viruses, while also deodorizing and eliminating odors from the environment.

Learn more and image source: iBrea

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