April 19, 2020

#New Product Express: Karen Chan’s own brand “Snow After”! Soft and skin-friendly makeup cotton specially designed for Hong Kong girls~

As a wife and mother, Karen Chan balances family and career, focusing on caring for her son while also pursuing her acting career. Recently, this beautiful mom has taken on a new role as the founder of the new skincare brand “Snow Queen”. The first product launched by “Snow Queen” is a makeup cotton pad that girls use every day. Want to know what makes this cotton pad special and why it sold out within a few days of its official release? Keep reading to find out~


Due to work requirements, Grace often needs to go through the steps of makeup, makeup removal, cleansing, and skincare, inevitably using cotton pads. However, she found that the makeup removal and cleansing cotton pads on the market have many shortcomings, such as rough texture, cotton residue, and sizes that are not suitable for the face shapes of Hong Kong women. Therefore, she and her team conducted in-depth research and integrated the advantages of makeup cotton products from various countries to develop this long-prepared “Snow After Makeup Cotton”!

The “Snow After” makeup remover and cleansing cotton pads use Japanese raw materials and incorporate unique physical properties of paper fibers, making them more elastic and durable. Even when pulled, they will not easily tear apart. (The editor personally tried rubbing the cotton pads back and forth on the skin of the hands, and they did not leave lint or tear easily like regular cotton pads!) In addition, the makeup cotton pads have strong water absorption and moisturizing functions. After soaking them with toner, apply them wet on the face or gently wipe, allowing the skin to better absorb the nutrients in skincare products. Furthermore, the fine fibers of the cotton pads can remove excess oil and keratin layers from the face, giving the skin a more radiant appearance!


The thickness and size of the makeup cotton are also very suitable, the folding 7.5cm x 7.5cm square size is specially designed for Hong Kong girls, using one piece can remove most of the makeup, very cost-effective! In addition to being used for regular makeup removal and cleansing, it can also be dipped in essence or lotion to create a pre-makeup mask, making the subsequent makeup more fitting~


As for the packaging, a pink color scheme is used, with cherry blossom patterns printed on it, symbolizing that girls can bloom beautifully like cherry blossoms~ The product is available at all Mannings and Facesss stores, priced at $24 per box.

圖片來源: @ghlchan , @snowqueenhk

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