May 31, 2023

Even celebrity makeup artists are recommending it! Korea is crazy about this “base makeup tool” that is even more amazing than a beauty blender?


The foundation that everyone is currently pursuing emphasizes a light and flawless finish that lasts all day without smudging. In addition to choosing the right foundation, selecting the right makeup tool can greatly enhance the texture of the foundation! Recently, the trend in Korea is to use a “foundation scraping stick” for makeup application, which is more adherent than using fingers, beauty sponges, or makeup brushes. It effortlessly creates a seamless base makeup and is highly favored by celebrity makeup artists in Cheongdam-dong. What makes this small scraping stick so amazing?

In recent years, everyone has been loving the use of beauty sponges, which can create a lightweight and seamless base makeup with a subtle glow. However, the only downside is that beauty sponges are difficult to layer for a full coverage effect! The principle of using a foundation scraper is similar to spreading butter, and it is very simple and easy to use. First, dip the foundation scraper into an appropriate amount of foundation liquid, and evenly apply it to the skin, gently spreading it on the face following the texture of the skin.

Then use a powder puff, beauty blender, or sponge to slowly blend the foundation, making the makeup look more sheer and smooth. It also has a good effect on pore refinement, instantly enhancing the texture of the base makeup! It’s worth mentioning that the foundation scraping stick can be reused, and the cleaning method is very simple. After use, just wipe it off with a clean tissue, then disinfect with spray or thoroughly clean with a tissue. It’s environmentally friendly and easy to use!

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