January 14, 2021

【Paris Connection Interview】Dior Makeup Creative and Image Director Peter Philips shares exclusive tips on choosing unbeatable lipstick shades!

The pandemic has caused major fashion weeks to come to a halt, and we have missed not only the opportunity to see the new season’s fashion up close on the runway, but also the chance to admire the creative makeup created by international makeup artists for fashion shows, missing a channel to absorb makeup trends. However, nothing can stop our determination to love beauty and pursue beauty. At the beginning of 2021, we connected to Paris through the internet and had a conversation with the Creative & Image Director for Dior Makeup, Peter Philips, allowing the master to personally share his recent favorite makeup products and 100% practical post-pandemic makeup tips! So what if there’s a pandemic? Life must goes on. Remember Peter’s sincere sharing in 2021 and continue to be beautiful!

P: Peter Philips, Creative & Image Director for Dior Makeup
Z: Ztylez

Z: Under the shadow of the epidemic, the desire for makeup has decreased, and it seems that lipstick is no longer important under the mask. What do you think about this?

P: Even though we wear masks every day, lipstick is still a very important presence! It’s like wearing underwear, even if only you can see it, you will still choose a comfortable and stylish style and design, because it brings a feeling of happiness and satisfaction!

Z: What techniques can make lipstick last longer under a mask?

P: I suggest starting with lip liner to outline the basic lip shape and prime the lips, then apply lipstick with a smooth texture. I do not recommend using thick and glossy lip gloss or overly heavy products.

Z: Can you introduce us to the latest project?

P: The most exciting project recently for me is the new lipstick series Rouge Dior Couture. I have designed a total of 72 new shades for this new series, so girls of any skin tone and personality can choose the right color. In addition to the new shades, the formula, makeup effect, and packaging design are also brand new!

Z: Out of the 72 new shades, which one is your favorite?

P: My favorite is definitely the classic #999 Rouge Dior, whether it’s the existing silky and matte finishes or the new velvet and metallic finishes, they are all very unique and highly versatile. Personally, I also recommend the #720 metallic finish and #84 velvet finish, both are very suitable for the average Asian girl, of course, different girls have different styles, but these two shades are almost universally flattering!

Rouge Dior #999 $310 ; Rouge Dior #720 $310

Z: Scenario question, in the following two situations, what color is your best pick?
I. A gathering with girlfriends, requiring long-lasting and prominent makeup.
II. Meeting your boyfriend’s family for the first time, wanting to give them a gentle and generous impression.

P: For a gathering with girlfriends, I would choose the metallic makeup effect of #999. It has a perfect glossy feel, showing a classic red tone that enhances your complexion and quality, making you more radiant in selfies with your girlfriends. When meeting your boyfriend’s family, avoid choosing colors that are too strong, and don’t apply your lipstick too perfectly. A too perfect makeup look will make people feel like you only care about yourself. Some soft pink tones are already more than suitable.

Rouge Dior Satin Balm $310; Rouge Dior Satin Balm (Refill) $250

Z: What are the highlights of the latest Rouge Dior Couture that are worth noting?

P: In addition to new shades and makeup effects, the new series has been updated with a brand new packaging. The three-dimensional CD logo on the lipstick resembles the waist details on fashion pieces. Furthermore, there are replaceable refill lip cores, making the design more environmentally friendly. Additionally, the Satin Balm in the series is also worth noting. Prolonged mask-wearing can leave the lips dry, but this Satin Balm provides extra moisture while offering a moderate shine. It’s a product I’ve been using frequently lately. I am also researching to add more new shades to this lip balm, so stay tuned!

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