October 13, 2020

Ultimate Dreamy Masterpiece! Hermès Limited Edition 24 Color Lipstick Set “Piano 24 Colors”

In 2020, Hermès launched its first lipstick collection in brand history Rouge Hermès, instantly becoming a hot new beauty product for girls, everyone is crazy about this little orange box. In response to the enthusiastic support of fans, the brand is about to launch a set that combines the entire lipstick collection, giving you the opportunity to own the entire Rouge Hermès series at once!

This set of 24 lipstick set is named “Piano 24 Colors”. The series of 24 lipsticks will be packaged in black, white, and gold colors resembling piano keys, replacing the original colorful packaging. All 24 lipsticks are placed in a rectangular orange box, neatly arranged like a piano, elegant!

“Piano 24 Colors” will go on sale on November 15th, limited to 440 sets. The price is currently only available for the Japanese market, priced at 177,600 yen. If you want to get a set for collection, you need to closely follow the brand’s further updates.

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