September 25, 2020

Feel the moment of autumn, it’s also time for you to change your makeup for the season!

Recently, as the autumn approaches, while you are busy preparing to change your wardrobe for the season, please do not forget that your skin also needs seasonal changes. The lightweight and sheer foundations used in the summer are generally refreshing and light, bringing you a comfortable and burden-free texture. However, these products may not provide enough moisture and hydration in the fall and winter. When the cool breeze comes, it will only dry out your skin, destroy the oil-water balance, and take away your good skin quality, never to return. During the seasonal transition, change to a new foundation that is neither dry nor oily for your skin!

// 高度遮瑕柔霧妝感:NARS //

NARS Soft Matte Complete Foundation $400


// 護膚精華粉底:Lancôme //   

Lancôme Absolue Foundation SPF20 PA+++ $870

蘊含專利抗衰老因子的護膚活性成分,再加入檸檬果皮精油、山茶花籽精油及巴巴蘇籽精油,比一般粉底擁有更強的護膚效果。能重點修飾皺紋細紋、均勻膚色。粉底液特別推出 4 種切合亞洲女性膚色需要的色調,自然修飾之外更有透肌光澤感。

// 零妝感果凍粉底:Chanel //

Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Moisturizing Foundation SPF25 PA++ $550

Chanel 果凍粉底系列最新成員:自然高光塑顏粉底,輕盈水潤的乳液狀含 20%水份,加入了護膚油及植物甘油成分,可持續保濕及提供舒適零妝感的裸肌效果。粉底更擁有  SPF25 PA++ 的基本防曬功效,防曬之外亦有抗污染、抗氧化及抗藍光作用。

// 口罩妝持久不脫之選:Laneige //

LANEIGE NEO Cushion Matte SPF42 PA++ $310

對 Cushion 底妝情有獨鍾的你,必試最近在韓國掀起熱潮的 Laneige 氣墊粉底新品。其中的 NEO Cushion Matte,質感清爽不黏膩,耐汗不脫妝,絕對是口罩妝必需的不脫妝神器。配方加入獲認證的抗藍光科技,抵禦日常生活中的紫外線,避免因藍光及紫外線造成的缺水、乾燥等各種傷害。

// 日本人氣新品:MANARA //

MANARA BB Liquid Bar SPF35 PA+++ $293

喜歡日本美妝品牌的你,最近連日本混血模特兒道端 Angelica 都愛的 Manara 終於抵港。雖然品牌皇牌為溫感潔面產品,不過其底妝產品也有極高評價,其中的 BB Liquid Bar 含 94%美容液成分,柔滑質地極易推開,自然遮瑕卻沒有厚重粉感,粉色粉末更有消除暗沉及提亮作用,值得一試!

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