April 20, 2020

#Hair Classroom: Scalp getting oily and hair falling out like crazy when the season changes? Then quickly learn the hair care and hair growth techniques of Korean girls!

Arriving in the hot and humid spring and summer seasons, it’s the time when many girls are troubled! Clearly washed your hair in the morning, but after a few hours, the scalp starts to get oily and smells like dandruff, and when you comb your hair at night, a bunch of hair falls out (crying)! In fact, these situations are warning you that your scalp is starting to have problems, and if it gets serious, it can lead to scalp inflammation! If you don’t want to end up in such a situation, then learn from the Korean girls with beautiful long hair, take good care of your hair, or you might become bald before old age!

Hair Care Tip 1: Regularly exfoliate the scalp

Christophe Robin 海鹽舒緩頭皮潔淨霜 $380 / 250ML

Everyone knows to exfoliate their facial skin to enhance the absorption of subsequent skincare products, but the same goes for the scalp! If too much dead skin accumulates on the scalp, it can prevent hair from absorbing nutrients, leading to breakage. So, don’t be lazy and skip this step! Using Christophe Robin’s sea salt soothing scalp scrub 1 to 2 times a week, gently massage the scalp instead of shampooing to remove dead skin and deeply cleanse. It’s quite convenient, and the refreshing sensation during use makes exfoliating the scalp no longer a chore!

Hair Care Tip 2: Choose a shampoo that is suitable for scalp care.

The Body Shop 生薑頭皮護理洗髮露 $69 / 250ML

In addition to exfoliating, girls can also replace their shampoo according to the changing seasons, and the criteria for selection can focus on “scalp care” and “hair loss prevention”, keeping the scalp in a healthy state~ The editor recommends using The Body Shop Ginger Scalp Care Shampoo, which is specifically designed for scalp care, and feels refreshing and non-greasy after use, it’s great for summer! Also, remember to massage the scalp with your fingertips when washing your hair (not with your nails!), this helps stimulate scalp blood circulation, speeding up hair growth~

Hair Care Tip 3: Pat Dry Your Hair

After washing your hair, do not vigorously rub your hair with a towel! Korean girls use a towel to “press” most of the water out of their hair first, then let it air dry naturally to prevent hair from becoming dry or breaking due to excessive friction!

Hair Care Tip 4: Avoid Using High Temperatures to Damage Hair

ghd HELIOS 專業風筒 $1650

The above mentioned Korean girls will let their hair air dry naturally, but how can the impatient Hong Kong girls wait for their hair to dry naturally? So we can only try to minimize the damage caused by blow-drying! In addition to using heat protectant products before blow-drying, choosing a hairdryer carefully is also very important! The ghd HEILOS professional hairdryer combines unique Aeroprecis™ technology and optimized airflow design, concentrating the temperature more, speeding up the drying process, and significantly reducing the time hair is exposed to high temperatures! (The new mint green color is super refreshing~)

ghd PLANTINUM+ 造型夾 $2580

In addition, girls like to use hair styling clips to create different hairstyles. During the process, the inevitable high temperature will increase the chance of hair damage, so you should also choose high-quality styling clips to reduce the risk of damage! The PLATINUM+ styling clip from the ghd UPBEAT series can adjust the strength and speed according to the thickness of the hair strands through intelligent sensors, so that you don’t accidentally damage your hair with high temperatures for a long time! In addition, it effectively strengthens hair quality and increases shine, making your hair in better condition, it’s simply a “hair styling tool”!

圖片來源: @ssinz7 , @you_r_love , @xeesoxee , @ch_amii , @lalalisa_m , Christophe Robin , The Body Shop , ghd

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