June 18, 2021

Imaginative poetic fragrance! Aesop introduces 3 new additions to the In Two Minds collection.

It is often said that “perfume” is an invisible garment, although intangible, it surrounds us with a lingering fragrance at all times. This embellishment between reality and illusion is believed to be the most unforgettable reason for the fragrance. Recently, from Australia, Aesop has brought three new works of the “Realm of Shadows” series with abstract and poetic fragrance concepts, engaging in a dialogue with nature.


The new perfumes are named “Miraséti,” “Kast,” and “Eremia,” with these unique names representing the three different marginalized spaces of “wave boat,” “shore,” and “wilderness.” Perfumer Barnabé Fillion believes that scent can be transmitted through air, skin, and clothing, and is also a window to nature, thus bringing three new perfumes to stimulate people’s imagination through the senses.


“MIRASETI” pays tribute to the tranquility and wildness of the sea, reminiscent of a “wave boat” in the surging waves. The rock rose symbolizes ancient, old sea wood, and the smell of sailors’ whiskey cellars, while sunflower and frankincense paint a picture of incense and seaweed intertwined in the gentle breeze, emitting a warm, woody, and subtle fragrance.


Another fragrance, “Karst,” carries a subtle mineral scent, interpreting the atmosphere of “the other shore” with a low-key and elegant aroma of fresh herbs. Anise and sandalwood, like a storm with a metallic salty taste, symbolize the back and forth cycle of ocean tides.


As for the “Eremia” symbolizing the “wilderness”, it blends white pine, iris, and patchouli to create a bright citrus scent, releasing the scent of the earth, presenting a misty and vibrant place.


It is also worth mentioning that the inner packaging of the three perfumes is printed with the works of Jack Coulter, a synesthetic artist from Northern Ireland, echoing the poetic scents.


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