September 14, 2020

In addition to Loewe’s coriander fragrance, there are also these alternative perfumes that will stimulate your sense of smell!

The public’s perception of perfume scents usually includes floral, fruity, woody, and smoky scents, which can instantly add a pleasant aroma to an individual. However, in recent years, this perception seems to have been broken, as many brands have successively launched alternative perfumes with eye-catching features, focusing on niche scents that completely exceed your imagination! The following few perfumes are breaking through your preconceived notions of perfume scents and will definitely challenge your sense of smell!

Loewe Coriander Copia 芫荽香水

The most popular niche perfume recently is definitely Loewe’s Coriander perfume! The scent of coriander can be said to be very unique – those who love it will really love it, while those who dislike it will really dislike it, with almost no middle ground. Incorporating such a strong coriander scent into a fragrance, I believe this perfume will be quite intense. For coriander lovers, this perfume is definitely a must-have, but those who dislike coriander will probably keep their distance from anyone wearing this perfume! It is worth mentioning that the theme of this fragrance series is “Memories of Taste,” which may indicate that creative director Jonathan Anderson is also a fan of coriander!

NASA Eau de Space 太空香水

Originally, this NASA space perfume was developed to help astronauts experience and become familiar with the smell of space before landing in space, in order to perfect their training. Later, it was decided to crowdfund and launch it on the American crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, unexpectedly receiving a lot of support. It is expected to be officially released in October! The space perfume boasts a light and sweet smoky scent, with hints of raspberry and rum flavors. Some describe it as the smell of gunpowder after firing a gun, with a hint of bitterness; while others say it smells like a burnt steak, making people curious about what this “outer space steak” really tastes like!

Lady Gaga Fame 淡香精

Lady Gaga launched her first perfume “FAME” back in 2012. At that time, Gaga often appeared in various eccentric styles and dared to break taboos and norms. When the news was announced, everyone was very curious about the scent of the perfume. Gaga described the scent of “FAME” as “smelling like blood and semen, full of a sense of desire.” This statement shocked many people, and many bought this perfume based on Gaga’s description. However, many people felt that Gaga was “exaggerating” because the scent was just extremely sweet and rich in floral notes, with no connection to blood and semen. Nevertheless, the fact that Gaga personally blended the scent and created the world’s first black perfume makes it definitely worth collecting.

Liquid Money His Money & Her Money 金錢香水

I often hear people say “smelling of money,” but what exactly is the true “smell of money”? Inspired by a study in Japan where employees performed better when they smelled money, Liquid Money developed the concept of a fragrance based on the scent of US dollar bills, creating “His Money” and “Her Money” for men and women respectively. The packaging even includes shredded $1 bills, giving the entire set a strong “money” scent! “His Money” features citrus notes with hints of rosemary, green grass, and woody scents, evoking a natural vibe; “Her Money” incorporates pink grapefruit with hints of lilac and passion fruit, offering a fresh and sweet aroma.

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