July 2, 2020

NASA launches “space-scented” perfume!

Perfume products are constantly innovating, and unique scent combinations are no longer surprising. However, recently, a perfume has sparked a huge discussion online, with both men and women enthusiastically discussing this new product!

This new fragrance does not come from a big brand, nor is it a product of a collaboration with a celebrity. It is the latest creation from NASA, the United States Space Agency! NASA has been working with the founder of the fragrance company Omega Ingredients since 2008 to launch a perfume with a “space” theme. After years of research and development, this fragrance called Eau De Space is finally set to be released!

Recently on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, there is a project called Eau de Space, which, according to data, has a light and sweet smoky fragrance, like the smell inside a spacecraft after a rocket launch. In addition to the smoky scent, there are also hints of raspberry and rum, simulating astronauts’ description of the smell of space.

Such a unique space-themed perfume, both space enthusiasts and perfume lovers are quite excited. So far, the crowdfunding amount has exceeded $150,000, with support from nearly 4,000 people. It is expected to be officially launched in October this year! There are rumors that NASA will launch a “Moon” scented perfume next. Hopefully, in the future, everyone will have more opportunities to “explore outer space” through their sense of smell!

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