May 28, 2020

#Good Stuff Selection: The warm and energetic “Orange Blush” cheek makeup is trending! These orange blushes are must-buy items for Japanese and Korean girls!

When summer comes, the makeup always needs some warm tones to match the vibrant summer vibe~ Recently, Japanese and Korean girls are crazy about the “orange soda” cheek makeup trend. Applying orange color to the cheeks instantly makes the overall makeup look youthful and cute! If you want to follow this orange cheek makeup trend, go ahead and buy it~

CLINIQUE 花之戀光感胭脂 Sorbet Pop

Clinique’s “Cheek Pop” is already very famous, and in addition to the popular nude shade Nude Pop and the fig shade Fig Pop, the orange Sorbet Pop is also quite well-known. Its peachy orange color is very natural, with a hint of yellow tones that softens the saturation of the original orange color. Applying a thin layer can create a fresh makeup look, and the fine powder texture won’t clump, making it perfect for girls trying out orange blush for the first time.

SUQQU Pure Color Blush Momodaidai

This gradient peach-orange color really makes people exclaim how beautiful it is at first sight! The color of this blush is relatively light and elegant. After applying it to the cheeks, the yellow tones are not too obvious, giving a very natural makeup look. It is very suitable for girls with yellow skin tones, and after makeup, it looks like the colors of the sunset, with a gentle and elegant touch, definitely suitable for daily cheek use~

3CE Duo Color Face Blush 雙色胭脂 Retro Drive

The combination of mustard yellow and orange-red makes the orange blush more three-dimensional. The high color saturation can make the makeup more vibrant and lively, but the color may not be very suitable for yellow skin tones. Everyone can mix the two colors to create a delicious orange sherbet color tone. (You can also apply one color alone, several different application methods, full marks for cost-effectiveness!)

& other stories Organza Coral

H&M Group’s & other stories’ blush, known as Organza Coral, is loved by girls for its high value and quality. The square color block is engraved with text, exuding a literary and artistic style. The official name is Coral, but the editor feels it leans more towards a pink-orange creamy tone, quite sweet and lovely. In comparison, the saturation is not high, suitable for girls who are new to makeup, using a small amount multiple times to layer on the orange cheek makeup.

圖片來源:@buttercup251 , @natsukolu , @3ce_official , @fendyglenn_ , @melepantt , @boksmetic , @_imyour_joy , @christmas_in_august_

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