The success of Hong Kong cinema relies on the contributions of the entire team both on and off screen, with the art and costume design playing a crucial role. They bring the script to life by creating intricate and realistic sets and props based on the story’s environment, background, plot, and characters. They also design costumes that are tailored to each character, creating the world of the film.
展览集合了三年多的研究成果及逾 200 位电影同业及公司提供多方协助,重磅带来一系列经典服饰造型、道具、场景设计、手稿图、行业用具、影片及重构工作间等,引领观众走入电影幕后世界,探究香港电影美术专业的建立过程,并认识香港电影文化的特质,以及电影工作者的专业精神。
焦点展品包括周润发及巩俐于《满城尽带黄金甲》(2006)中的帝后大朝服造型;林黛于《不了情》(1961)中的旗袍造型;张曼玉于《英雄》(2002)中穿着的红色古装;缪骞人于《倾城之恋》(1984)中穿着的绿色胶雨衣;林青霞于《重庆森林》(1994)中的走私女郎造型;莫文蔚于《东成西就 2011》(2011)中的天神阿修罗造型;以及吴耀汉于《僵尸》(2013)中的僵尸造型等。
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The exhibition also features props such as the Shaw Brothers Studio set design booklet; the zombie hunter sword from “The Twins Effect” (2003); the special prop “Water Horse” from “Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon” (2013); the book “Three Hundred Children’s Songs” from “Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons” (2013); and the prop Luo Geng from “Rigor Mortis”. The organizers have also selected over a hundred film clips to create the “Highlights of Hong Kong Film and Costume Design” exhibition, showcasing the outstanding works of Hong Kong film art and costume design over the years.
为配合展览,香港文化博物馆和香港电影美术学会将举办一系列讲座和工作坊,并带来口述历史计划《筑梦人》—— 60 位香港电影美术及服装造型工作者的访谈文字,会陆续上传至博物馆网站供公众浏览。想从服装、道具美学层面重温香港电影发展史的你,记住把握机会亲身到场参观!
时间:早上10时至下午6时(星期一、三至五)、早上 10时至下午7时周末及公众假期、周二休馆
票价:$10 | $7 | $5 (按此购票)