2月 1, 2023


「色相無邊 — 莫奈的啟示」 季豐軒

莫奈的作品能够流芳百世,除了因为其画功精湛外,更是因为他在19世纪以革命性的创新画风,为现代艺术打开了全新篇章。最近,季丰轩带来「色相无边 — 莫奈的启示」展览,除了重点展示这位印象派先驱的早年杰作外,更搜罗了画风受其影响的现代艺术家赵无极、朱德群、谢景兰,以及当代艺术家David Hockney、Shara Hughes、姜明姬、Ziad Dalloul的精选画作。

This exhibition focuses on Monet’s influence on future art. He interpreted nature in unprecedented ways, liberating Western landscape painting from academic concepts and symbolic meanings, and bringing it back into the spotlight. Monet’s “Impression, Sunrise” caused a sensation when it debuted in Paris in 1874. Although it depicted everyday scenes, the artist emphasized the color variations and dynamic techniques of the scenery through dramatic shifts in perspective, capturing the elusive essence of the subject matter and giving rise to the Impressionist movement.

莫奈的洞见至今仍然影响着当代艺术,风景画一直与时并进,不断萌发新颖多样的表现形式。有些艺术家挑战传统风景画的概念和形而上界限,亦有艺术家致力各式艺术实验,包括即兴和不断变化的表达形式、出其不意的媒材、爆炸般的色彩运用,将风景画的理性和感性潜力发挥得淋漓尽致。今次展览列举的几个当代艺术家如 David Hockney、姜明姬等便是其中表表者。

This Impressionist master originally discovered the relationship between time and space, light and color, and the secrets of how they interact, which changed the focus of painting creation and achieved unprecedented visual effects, bringing endless inspiration to countless artists in the future. Everyone is welcome to visit the exhibition and appreciate this unique art collaboration.

地址:香港中环荷李活道10号大馆总部大楼地下01 G03-G05


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