1月 16, 2023

Daniel Arsham X Pokémon 世界巡迴展登陸上海!觀眾化身時空探險家一探小精靈未來遺跡!

Daniel Arsham x Pokémon

倘若时空来到公元3022年,Pokémon中的小精灵比卡超、车厘龟、小火龙会变成怎样呢?享誉国际的美国艺术家Daniel Arsham早前以其最著名的「侵蚀风」带来与Pokémon的联乘系列,继完成东京的巡回展览首站后,将在上海魔都的chi K11美术馆带来中国首秀《Artifacts of Indigo Plateau 石英高原的遗迹》!


Daniel Arsham 表示:“我希望不仅能够将 Pokémon 形象融入我的作品中,也能让我的作品风格渗透到 Pokémon 的世界中。”值得一提的是,这是官方首次向艺术家开放宠物小精灵的版权进行创作,因此这次合作可谓史无前例!

In the exhibition, the artist used materials such as pyrite, selenite, crystal, and bronze to create a series of small elf sculptures. The artist intentionally damaged the surface of the sculptures to give them a sense of ruin and vicissitude, as if they were ancient relics buried underground for thousands of years, exuding a sense of history. These stone crystal works will continuously change over time, implying the artist’s reflection on time and growth.


《Indigo Plateau的文物》
地点:上海市黄浦区淮海中路300号K11购物艺术中心B3层chi K11美术馆

圖片來源及了解更多:上海 chi K11美术馆

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