1月 24, 2022

本地摄影师Justin Wong记录街头霓虹灯,打造电影感十足的香港「怀旧时光」!


近日,shout!Art Hub & Gallery 为本地摄影师 Justin Wong举办首个个人摄影展「怀旧时光」,摄影师将霓虹灯化作香港特色回忆的时光机,通过一帧帧充满电影感的照片,带领观众回到那段璀璨生辉的「怀旧时光」。

Justin was born in Hong Kong, then went to Canada to study, and began documenting his overseas learning journey through photography at that time. After returning to Hong Kong, he has been capturing unique moments in daily life through his lens, transforming still photos into cinematic scenes, forming his own creative style. 贾斯汀在香港出生,后来去加拿大学习,并开始记录他的海外学习之旅。回到香港后,他一直通过镜头捕捉日常生活中独特的时刻,将静态照片转化为电影般的场景,形成了自己的创作风格。

然而,当他回来后,他发现瞬息万变的香港已经不再是他儿时记忆中的模样。尤其是街头艺术文化中经常出现的霓虹灯夜色,也不复存在。因此,他用摄像机记录下随时会消失的“怀旧时光” – 霓虹灯。


This time the photography exhibition deeply reflects on and explores how to continuously develop Hong Kong’s local traditional craftsmanship, as well as how to give old crafts a new meaning and life through other artistic means. Neon lights are an extremely important part of Hong Kong’s local culture and visual language, even though they are gradually being phased out, but through the moments captured by the camera, these times can be frozen, and continue to be preserved in another art form.


“怀旧时光” Justin Wong 摄影展
地点:SHOUT Art Hub & Gallery (沙田) 新界沙田沙田正街新城市广场一期L2 250A号铺


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