10月 13, 2021

塗鴉大師 Jean-Michel Basquiat 個展明年於紐約亮相!由其家人親自策展,呈獻 200 件珍罕藝術藏品!

近年来,Jean-Michel Basquiat 的作品在拍卖场上屡创成交纪录,今年在佳士得香港的专场中,作品《战士》更以 3.2 亿港元的天价创下亚洲拍卖史上最高价的西方艺术品纪录。这位天才艺术家不仅是涂鸦艺术的先驱,更是代表着80年代街头艺术的灵魂人物。Basquiat 叛逆且具独特张力的创作,使他年纪轻轻已成为当时纽约艺坛的瞩目焦点。他与乐坛天后Madonna曾是恋人、跟普普艺术大师Andy Warhol分属好友等事都为后人所津津乐道,然而撇去外界对他生前事迹的记载,单凭他的作品,你又真正了解Basquiat的魅力吗?

早前,Basquiat 的家人宣布將在明年 4 月 舉辦名為「 Jean-Michel Basquiat: King Pleasure 」的特別展覽,展覽由 Basquiat 家族親自策劃,其中包括他的妹妹麗珊(Lisane Basquiat)及珍妮(Jeanine Heriveaux),並邀請到著名建築師 David Adjaye 擔任展覽的設計事項。展覽將會特別展出 200 多件,由 Basquiat 家族提供的收藏品,當中包括繪畫、素描、多媒體作品、和工藝品等。這些藏品都是極罕見、甚至是首次曝光於公眾視野。他的家人表示希望通過這個方式,為大家提供一個認識 Basquiat 的全新視野。

His family pointed out that in fact, the exhibition has been brewing since the 30th anniversary of Basquiat’s death in 2017. In the past, there have been many exhibitions showcasing Basquiat’s works, but none have ever started from a family perspective. His life was short, even though he had made a name for himself in the New York art scene during his lifetime, and the influence of his creations continues to this day. However, people still have only a partial understanding of his true face. Instead of getting to know this artist through a single aspect, it is better to glimpse Basquiat’s diverse aspects from the perspective of his closest family members. His sister Jeanine expressed her hope that everyone could get to know Basquiat as a child, a man, a son, and a brother.


This exhibition, curated by his family, is like an intimate narrative journey, showcasing not only the artist’s groundbreaking career but also conveying Basquiat’s charm and passion for art through the eyes and memories of his family to the public. It is definitely a rare opportunity for everyone to truly get to know this legendary artist. The exhibition will be held at the iconic Starrett Lehigh Building in Chelsea on April 9, 2022, and is believed to once again ignite a wave of “Basquiat fever”!


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