8月 10, 2021

名车陈列室变身艺术专区!BMW 与 K11 Art Foundation 携手举办美学展览

BMW_K11 Art Foundation

當名車遇上藝術,會擦出怎樣的火花?BMW MONAT 藝術月今年來到第二年,BMW 香港 近日就與 K11 Art Foundation 攜手,帶來「BMW 藝術.輪廓」美學之旅展覽,讓各位車迷及藝術迷親身感受!

BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Lui Chun Kwong, Landscape No. AB00233, 2015, Acrylic on linen, 3 x 200 x 100 cm Triptych. Image courtesy of the artist, AIKE and K11 Art Foundation.
Keiichi Tanaami, The House in Ascension, 1986, Wood, lacquer, 14 x 45.5 x 86.5 cm. Image courtesy of the artist, NANZUKA and K11 Art Foundation.
BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Neïl Beloufa, Rationalized Objects (parts), 2016, Steel, resin, pigment, Dimensions variable. Image courtesy the artist, Ghebaly Gallery Inc and K11 Art Foundation.
BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Zhang Enli, Line, 2018, Screenprint, 71 x 52 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and K11 Art Foundation.

BMW 与 K11 Art Foundation 首次合作的展览以「Taking Shape: Line, Curve, Light」为主题,带来 4 位当代艺术家的作品。焦点之作包括法国阿尔及利亚艺术家尼尔.贝卢法(Neïl Beloufa)所创作,来自《合理化对象》系列的两件雕塑,他以钢丝塑造日常物品的外形,从而对当代的价值及文化体系作出评论。

BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Neïl Beloufa, Rationalized Objects (parts), 2016, Steel, resin, pigment, Dimensions variable. Image courtesy the artist, Ghebaly Gallery Inc and K11 Art Foundation.
BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Neïl Beloufa, Rationalized Objects (parts), 2016, Steel, resin, pigment, Dimensions variable. Image courtesy the artist, Ghebaly Gallery Inc and K11 Art Foundation.


BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Zhang Enli, Line, 2018, Screenprint, 71 x 52 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and K11 Art Foundation.


BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Lui Chun Kwong, Landscape No. AB00233, 2015, Acrylic on linen, 3 x 200 x 100 cm Triptych. Image courtesy of the artist, AIKE and K11 Art Foundation.


BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Keiichi Tanaami, The House in Ascension, 1986, Wood, lacquer, 14 x 45.5 x 86.5 cm. Image courtesy of the artist, NANZUKA and K11 Art Foundation.

除了当代艺术作品之外,同场亦展出 3 款不同个性的 BMW 豪华旗舰车系,以名车优美流畅的线条呼应艺术美学与创意。其中的行政轿车 THE 7 姿态凛然,创新的驾驶辅助技术令汽车展现出非凡气势。豪华休旅车 THE X7(SAV)备有宽敞舒适的车型,能够满足各种驾驶需求,至于豪华四门跑车 THE 8 Gran Coupé,则结合非凡性能与动感优雅的设计。

BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Lui Chun Kwong, Landscape No. AB00233, 2015, Acrylic on linen, 3 x 200 x 100 cm Triptych. Image courtesy of the artist, AIKE and K11 Art Foundation.
Zhang Enli, Line, 2018, Screenprint, 71 x 52 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and K11 Art Foundation.
BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Image courtesy BMW

宝马和CoBo Social还将共同举办两场以艺术为主题的座谈会,包括“后物质世界中的收藏艺术”和“如何在投资时代评估艺术”两个主题,分享现代艺术和汽车美学。此外,参观者还可以在现场拼贴出大型艺术墙,并拍照并分享至社交平台,有机会赢取限量精品。

BMW_K11 Art Foundation
Image courtesy BMW




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