11月 28, 2023

Tom Dixon 全新便携式照明设备 Portables,引领未来照明潮流。

Tom Dixon

英国前卫设计代表Tom Dixon,一直坚持创新设计,他的创作深受英国独特文化遗产所启发,作品不仅充满型格,且适合日常使用。早在今年四月米兰国际家具展中发布的Portables便携式灯具系列,更引起了设计界的广泛讨论。

The appearance of the series is futuristic, with a delicate structure. The selling point is the use of rechargeable design, no longer limited by power supply, suitable for illuminating different indoor and outdoor spaces such as living rooms, patios, and gardens, while also easily creating a comfortable atmosphere.


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