1月 11, 2023


M+ 博物館自11月推出特别展览「草间彌生:一九四五年至今」后,全城都在疯起一股草间彌生热潮,连带艺术家最具标志性的作品《南瓜》亦曝光率急升。不过现时除了到博物馆实景欣赏草间的作品外,M+最近更与CSL合作以AR在香港各区展现南瓜雕塑,打造全新虚拟艺术体验!

This project aims to promote public awareness of artist Yayoi Kusama’s works, hoping that everyone can discover the artist’s creative footprint outside of the museum. This project selects five locations in Hong Kong and Kowloon, including the M+ Rooftop Garden, West Kowloon Cultural District Art Park, Statue Square, The Peak, and Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, to showcase pumpkins in specific geographical environments, turning these city landmarks into the best exhibition venues for Yayoi Kusama’s famous works.

This project uses cutting-edge AR technology to present Yayoi Kusama’s iconic sculpture “Pumpkin” (2022), which is currently on display in the M+ Underground Lobby. Users can use the csl. 5G lens application to virtually appreciate the pumpkin’s imprints in different areas. This project utilizes markerless augmented reality technology and floor detection technology, combined with simultaneous localization and mapping technology (SLAM Technology), to realistically display the virtual 3D model of the artwork.




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