3月 7, 2022

CASETiFY 联乘门小雷系列登场!K11 Musea 门市展出画家手稿、矚目 Canvas Case 大型画作!


CASETiFY不时推出与艺术家的联乘设计,近期品牌邀来本地画家门小雷合作,让艺术家以经典水彩画风,绘画出梦幻有趣的Electric Dreams,带领大家来一场充满玩味的奇幻之旅!

This series features a variety of fresh and dreamy phone cases, suitable for iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models. The artist has delicately painted the story of four girls exploring the gaming world with a lively and stylish touch, each girl possessing watery eyes and lovely faces, showcasing a versatile and ever-changing image. With its unique pastel colors, it adds a touch of agility and softness to this retro dreamy world.

除了手机壳以外,这系列亦有专为 AirPods Pro、iPad、MacBook 等电子配件设计的保护壳,以及无线充电器。

This time, the special collaboration introduces an exclusive limited edition set, which includes a new artwork created by Men Xiaolei for the series, as well as 4 limited edition luminous sand phone cases. Limited to only 100 sets worldwide, each set is signed by the artist and printed with a unique number. However, after the products went on sale, the set quickly sold out, showing the popularity of the series. 这次联乘特别推出独家限量套装,其中收录门小雷为系列创作的全新画作,以及 4 款限量夜光流沙手机壳,全球限量仅 100 套,每套均设画家亲笔签名及印有专属编号。不过产品开售后,套装亦火速售罄,可见系列的受欢迎程度。

品牌位于K11 Musea的CASETiFY STUDiO现正展出门小雷为限量联乘系列绘画的亲笔手稿,除了有这系列的水彩画原稿外,更有由42个Canvas Case组成的矚目大型画作,粉丝们万勿错过!

Little Thunder x CASETiFY 博物馆
地点:K11 Musea B122号店


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