1月 11, 2022

本土漫画经典”麦嘜麦兜”强势回归!苏富比网拍带来漫画原稿、麦兜菠萝油王子 NFT


左:《掛住您》 鋼筆墨水、水彩、粉彩紙本 2021 ;右:《忽間泡泡》 鋼筆墨水、水彩紙本 1995

This time, the “McDull Sotheby’s” online auction will begin on January 14th. It is the first collaboration between Sotheby’s Hong Kong and Mr. Lee Chi-man and Ms. Alice Mak, presenting a total of 47 pieces of “McDull” works, including original comic manuscripts and reinterpreted classic stories, such as “Fishball Fever,” or the newly launched “McDull Pineapple Bun Prince” in NFT form, allowing everyone to borrow the visual style of McDull and enjoy the long-lost childhood fun.

魚蛋粗 壓克力畫布 一組八幅 2021 局部


麥兜菠蘿油王子 數碼立體動畫 NFT 2021

This online event not only allows us to revisit the content of the comics through artwork, but also incorporates the NFT trend, which is not to be missed. The auction preview will be held at the Sotheby’s Art Space from January 14th to 23rd, so feel free to visit!


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