November 3, 2023

Design enthusiasts must see! deTour 2023 will be held at PMQ, exploring the spirit of traditional craftsmanship.

Organized by PMQ and sponsored by “Create Hong Kong,” the design event deTour 2023 is about to take place. This 10-day design festival will bring large-scale installations and exhibitions, workshops, design lectures, film screenings, and guided tours. Design and art enthusiasts should not miss it!

detour 2023 takes “New Skills” as its theme, which is a forward-looking concept that advocates breaking through existing frameworks. It explores new possibilities from various aspects such as methods, perspectives, knowledge, and skills, using new thinking and attitudes. At the same time, it interprets the characteristics of craftsmanship from a new perspective in terms of new values, new narratives, new techniques, innovation, and new heritage. It hopes that the public can reexamine the spirit of traditional craftsmanship through this event.

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