September 19, 2023

Nighttime art exhibition “Urban Species,” experiencing the changes and connections of urban life.


After a day of work, besides enjoying good food and entertainment to reward yourself for a day’s hard work, you can also calm down and appreciate a night exhibition. Recently, the local interdisciplinary curatorial studio MUSTHAVEKEYS held a night art exhibition in Central, with the theme of “Urban Species”, showcasing different animals and plants in the city in response to the lifestyle, changes, and connections of humans in modern society.


The exhibition includes new works by six artists, divided into two parts. The first part, titled “Desire,” showcases the works of Hung Chung-kit, Michael Whittle, and Yuan Jinzhi. This part of the exhibition has already ended. The theme of the second part is “Remnants,” where the artists incorporate their own emotions and memories of the Central and Sheung Wan community streets, using flowers as a means to explore local characteristics and personal identity connections, while also expressing their imagination of Hong Kong.


The exhibited works include Lao Lili’s “Morning Glory,” which revisits the artist’s childhood through stream-of-consciousness imagery and sound; Xie Mingsi’s “Hollywood Road: Road of Live Li He,” which presents the hub of antique buying and selling on Hollywood Road through video and prints; and Yuan Yazhi’s “Between Ruler and Glass,” which uses photography and video to evoke the connection between her childhood and the present. The above is a rephrasing of the paragraph.

Night Art Exhibition “Urban Species” (Part 2)
Date: Tomorrow to October 15th
Time: Wednesday to Sunday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm (Closed on public holidays)
Address: Ground Floor, 7A Bonham Road, Central

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