September 8, 2023

Experience the humor of Hong Kong! The “Cultural Festival of Tuo Di” exhibition brings together internet memes and classic cult films.

The unique Hong Kong humor of internet memes, elderly pictures, and classic cult films always brings a smile to people’s faces. Recently, kkplus collaborated with Hong Kong toy brand LeeeeeeToy to hold the “HAPPY! HAPPY! HONG KONG Cultural Festival” at the kkplus Langham Place store. Bringing together 33 local creative units, they blend trends, art, toys, graffiti, fashion, and more!


“The Terra Culture Festival aims to spread joy through activities and provide a new perspective on Hong Kong. Outside the venue, there is a replica of the Tian Tan Buddha at Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island, combined with a selfie spot featuring LeeeeeeToy’s original character, the Earth Child. The Earth Child is transformed into a golden Buddha, with the words ‘Earth Peace’ shining brightly in gold. On the other side, there is a gate designed to resemble the entrance of the Earth Toy Company, with artwork by Hong Kong graffiti artist BOMS incorporating iconic elements of the participating exhibitors.”

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