July 5, 2023

Colorblind artist Ernest Chang’s solo exhibition “Space Rich” explores the prevalent phenomenon of global consumerism.

The Stallery

Hong Kong artist Ernest Chang, despite being born colorblind, has not let it hinder his passion for fine art. Recently, he held a solo exhibition titled “Space Rich” at the local gallery, The Stallery, where he explores the prevalent phenomenon of contemporary global consumerism through playful artistic expressions.

Space Rich

The exhibition features a total of 14 organic glass screen printing works and 4 sculptures derived from recent works. All the works were created from 2021 to 2023 and have never been exhibited before. Ernest invites viewers to step into his imaginary Mars kingdom in a humorous way, filled with popular culture characters such as Sailor Moon and Rick and Morty, as well as various consumerism symbols like iPhones, Coca-Cola, and various brand logos. Due to the enthusiastic response, the exhibition will be extended until August 23, 2023.

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