April 18, 2023

The New Art Wave Gallery showcases a solo exhibition by Li Hsin-yi, depicting the harmonious beauty of urban spaces in her new works.

The New Art Wave Gallery recently held a solo exhibition “Sequence” by the fourth edition of the New Art Wave Expo gold medalist, Li Xinyi. The exhibition observes the city’s order from a horizontal linear perspective, focusing on the sense of order in various landscapes within the sequence of environmental spaces, capturing the coordination and beauty of the connections and structures between different points.

The trees silently standing by the roadside, the cars quietly lining up on the road, and the sequence of shadows dancing in the light – these seemingly ordinary scenes and details, in the eyes of Li Xinyi, possess an unbreakable order that collectively maintains the harmony of the universe.

The artist exhibited a total of 14 wood panel acrylic paintings, including a stop-motion animation. “Sequence” deliberately creates a painting style that oscillates between figurative and surrealistic art movements, using low saturation colors and a combination of real and imaginary lines to create a dystopian space reminiscent of a science fiction novel. In this space rendered with mysterious tones, everything is orderly, with straight and neat railings, and even pedestrians on the bridge walk in a disciplined manner. The various visual sequences reflect the repetitive daily life patterns of office workers.

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