January 21, 2022

#Tiger Year Limited Edition: Jordy Kerwick’s first exhibition in Hong Kong lands at WOAW Gallery! Bringing many fierce tigers to celebrate the new year!

The Year of the Tiger is approaching, and even art galleries are changing their exhibitions for the Lunar New Year. WOAW Gallery is presenting the first solo exhibition in Hong Kong by Australian artist Jordy Kerwick, titled “Anne du Tigre, L’heure du Tigre,” showcasing a selection of tiger-themed artworks for everyone to experience the vibrant energy of the tiger!

Currently living in France, Jordy Kerwick explores classic still life painting through a contemporary lens, using powerful brushstrokes and expressive colors to depict vibrant nature and present the most authentic beauty. Drawing inspiration from his collection of images related to cultural symbols, figures, places, and animals, Kerwick’s work reveals profound personal narratives and life experiences.

Kerwick spent his childhood in Hong Kong, so the traditional Chinese zodiac culture has become part of his awareness. This year, the Year of the Tiger, he brings his work to his childhood home and holds an exhibition titled “Anne du Tigre, L’heure du Tigre,” which means “Year of the Tiger, Hour of the Tiger” in French, inviting the audience to welcome the new year together.

In this exhibition, Kerwick not only brings colorful and positive paintings, but also showcases a mythical beast-like sculpture. Although tigers have always given people a fierce and dangerous feeling, in Kerwick’s tiger images, they are a bit mischievous “big cats”.

The protagonist in the scene is portrayed as almost abstract, simplistic shapes, creating a flat three-dimensional spatial view, visually reminiscent of cave paintings from primitive tribes, while also evoking the works of modern art masters like Henri Matisse and Helen Frankenthaler.

The exhibition will span the New Year period, so why not go and admire the ever-changing and domineering tigers depicted by Kerwick!

“Year of the Tiger, Hour of the Tiger” Exhibition
Date: January 22 to February 17, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Location: WOAW Gallery, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong

Learn more and image source: WOAW Gallery 

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