June 21, 2021

Central Landmark Plaza hides an “Underground Museum”!?

From March to May this year, the “Time Machine Station” exhibited in the basement of Landmark in Central, led the audience to revisit the New York City subway of the 1980s through an immersive visual experience, successfully attracting a group of street art enthusiasts to come and “check-in”! Now, JPS and BELOWGROUND are once again collaborating, drawing inspiration from the British Museum to present works that blend street, pop, and contemporary art in an innovative display, creating a vibrant underground museum!

The BELOWGROUND exhibition space in Landmark Atrium showcases the works of 16 artists from a contemporary art perspective and in innovative ways. Participating artists include: Afa Annfa, August Vilella, Barminski and b. wing, Chino Lam, Elaine Chiu, Horihiro Mitomo, Jorge Mejía, Karla Pereira, Okokume, Okrabelo, Paul Hunter Speagle, Prodip Leung, Pure Evil, Qin Tan, and Yamanyamo.

The exhibition features several exhibition areas, showcasing not only flat works but also providing a diverse visual experience with large sculptures, art performances, and augmented reality (AR). Inspired by traditional museums, the curatorial team intentionally subverts the traditional exhibition format of old museums in a new way, adding many opportunities for the audience to interact with the exhibits. For example, Barminski’s studio – Barminski Art Store, is a life-size paper sculpture installation that imitates a shop inside a museum, creating an engaging visual space. Even the security guards in the venue are disguised as performance artists, creating a different visiting experience for the underground museum!

Barminski Art Store

The most eye-catching placement in the exhibition space center features a Moai statue from Rapa Nui (Easter Island), integrated with the iconic “tears” of contemporary street artist Pure Evil. In the contemporary art exhibition area, viewers can appreciate the works of local and international artists, harmoniously displayed together, showcasing a rich array of modern art scenes.

In the classical art area, the large sculpture work of former LMF band member Leung Wai-ting is quite eye-catching. The sculpture’s appearance is reminiscent of the mysterious creature Sphinx in ancient Egyptian mythology, blending elements of ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial life to express the artist’s exploration and interest in extraterrestrial beings. The curatorial team also invited the award-winning Hong Kong production company Yamanyamo to collaborate with Leung Wai-ting on an augmented reality (AR) project. By scanning the QR code, visitors can interact with the lion-headed sphinx on Mars through an application on their phones!

JPS and BELOWGROUND, with a rebellious attitude loyal to innovation, challenge the traditional way of displaying museums through an underground museum, breaking boundaries and paying tribute to the globally renowned British Museum! The exhibition condenses the artistic spirit of universal museums, injecting new vitality into artifacts and artworks in a unique display. This summer, we cannot miss this unconventional museum!

Date: From now until August 1
Time: (Monday to Saturday) 11 am to 7 pm; (Sunday and public holidays) 11 am to 5 pm
Location: BELOWGROUND, Basement, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong


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