June 16, 2021

Japanese artist Yudai Nishi’s work “Fresh Delivery” at Ocean Terminal Art Gallery!

Japanese 90s artist Yudai Nishi recently held his first solo exhibition “FRESH!” at Harbour City Art Gallery in Hong Kong, showcasing a series of creative paintings with fruits and vegetables as the main theme. Through contrasting colors and distorted forms, he reinterprets various fruits and vegetables, bringing a fresh and explosive Japanese summer vibe to art lovers in Hong Kong.

Saiyuki has been influenced by American animation and American street culture since childhood. His works are simple and direct, with bold colors and strong lines, full of personal characteristics and shadows of graffiti art. His innovative and distinctive paintings have made Saiyuki, born in 1991, a rising star in the Japanese art world, as well as a newly popular artist in the local fashion scene. Department stores like PARCO, Nike, Adidas, and MOUSSY have all invited him to collaborate.


The major feature of Xixiong’s creation is the thick black lines, which contrast sharply with the high color saturation of the main body of the painting. He has stated that black outline is an indispensable part of his work because outlines can only be found in the flat world, and as a painter, he wants to use outlines to depict things that do not exist in the real world.


This post-90s artist not only has unique creative ideas, but also has a different perspective on painting topics. His works are all named “No Title” because he himself does not want to set any clear definitions for the works, but hopes that the audience can imagine the meaning of the works based on their own perceptions.


In addition to appreciating the paintings, the curatorial team WAY by Way of Difference of this exhibition by Sze Hsiung also collaborated with artists to launch a series of limited edition peripheral products during the exhibition, including umbrellas, pins, tote bags, rugs, ceramic plates, and wooden wall hangings, allowing everyone to inject Sze Hsiung’s unique aesthetics into their daily lives.

Saiyuki does not limit his works, giving the audience the freedom to interpret the works. This summer, why not seize the opportunity to go to Ocean Terminal to see this batch of “vegetables and fruits” “freshly delivered” from Japan, and see what you can learn from it!

日期:6 月 10 日至 7 月 4 日
時間:上午 11 時至晚上 10 時
地點:海港城 ‧ 美術館 ( 海洋中心 2 樓 207 號舖 )

圖片來源:海港城美術館 Facebook & Instagram

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