April 29, 2021

#FrenchMay: Follow Caroline Bouquet’s art map and travel with Galerie Koo to the “Hong Kong Map” exhibition.

The towering skyscrapers, the views of Victoria Harbour, and even the historical fishing port of yesteryear are all unique landscapes of Hong Kong, and they are also the most impressive scenes for French artist Caroline Bouquet. She observes this city from a new perspective and creates a series of mixed media paintings through ancient and modern maps of Hong Kong. Her solo exhibition “Hong Kong Map” will be held at Galerie Koo, which is also a joint exhibition of the French May Arts Festival this year.

Caroline Bouquet《香港地圖》展覽

“Maps” have always been Caroline Bouquet’s source of inspiration, as she has created many artworks related to maps in the past. The reason why maps have become her artistic element is because she believes that maps can “locate” people in this world, allowing everyone to find their own presence, and she also likes to evoke memories of the past through maps, presenting a sense of “familiarity.”

Caroline Bouquet《香港地圖》展覽

Caroline often crosses the coasts of Hong Kong Island and the New Territories, exploring and searching for the horizon beyond the buildings, turning Hong Kong’s landscape into a map filled with coastal footprints. The forms and textures of ancient and local maps are transformed into the unique scenery of Hong Kong in the works exhibited this time. Through the intersection of maps and art, crossing time and space, exploring how Hong Kong has evolved from a small fishing village in the past to today’s international financial center.

Caroline Bouquet《香港地圖》展覽

The intertwined lines in the paintings not only reveal a passionate sentiment, but also showcase the dense and diverse facets of Hong Kong. Caroline intentionally leaves blank spaces in the artwork, creating room for imagination. It is worth mentioning that her works overlap with local ancient maps borrowed from the Hong Kong Maritime Museum, creating an interesting juxtaposition. Visitors are encouraged to come to the exhibition and, through Caroline’s works, rediscover the beauty of our city from an artistic perspective.

Caroline Bouquet《香港地圖》展覽

Date: May 5th to May 29th
Time: (Tuesday to Friday) 11am to 7pm; (Saturday) 12pm to 5pm; (Sunday, Monday, and public holidays by appointment through info@galeriekoo.one)
Address: 7/F, Lai Kin Building, 67 Wyndham Street, Central

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