September 21, 2020

“These are all his most authentic holiday life photos” – Music superstar David Bowie’s childhood friend will hold a photo exhibition next month, sharing the most sincere journey.

“Very good. But these are just Rock ‘n’ Roll with lipstick on.”

Recently, I recalled this saying again. This was the harshest and most direct comment that music legend David Bowie had ever heard. Even he himself could not believe that he, who had already shown his edge at that time, would be criticized in such a way. But he was still grateful that he had been criticized like that by life mentor John Lennon that day. For fans who grew up in the 70s and 80s, the legendary musician David Bowie had a profound influence. His unique voice and visually striking appearance have definitely left a deep impression on a wide range of fans and the contemporary music scene. However, David Bowie, who influenced many future generations, actually relied heavily on John Lennon. Even John Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono, described the two as “close as family.” Unfortunately, the two could not escape the fate of falling stars.

Earlier, Japanese fashion master Kansai Yamamoto passed away due to leukemia, bringing back memories of the encounter between David Bowie and his good friend Yamamoto, reminiscing about how special and captivating David Bowie was on stage that day. I still remember Master Yamamoto mentioning in a previous interview: “David was always very polite and quiet, but when he stepped on stage, he would push a button and transform into the familiar David Bowie for everyone.” In an era where technology was not yet advanced, it was indeed difficult to imagine David Bowie having such a contrasting personal image. However, the opportunity is coming – the town of Brighton in the UK is about to hold a photography exhibition themed around David Bowie, with all the photos on display never seen before.

This David Bowie photography exhibition is not by any photography master, but by a photographer named Geoff MacCormack. Who is he? He is David Bowie’s childhood friend and travel companion, who always stayed by David Bowie’s side even after he became an international superstar.

Named “Rock ‘n’ Roll with Me Bowie/MacCormack 1973-1976,” the photography exhibition will showcase 60 rare photos of David Bowie. Regarding these dozens of photos, Geoff MacCormack revealed that they all came from David Bowie’s world tour in 1973. At that time, while working at a paper manufacturing company in the UK, he suddenly received a call from David Bowie, asking him to accompany him on this three-year concert tour journey.

In the end, Geoff embarked on the journey and documented many very personal David Bowie moments, including some top-secret backstage photos, the filming process of “The Man Who Fell to Earth,” and daily photos of David Bowie riding the Siberian train due to his fear of heights. Geoff MacCormack also shared: “These photos really have a holiday snapshots style,” meaning that the David Bowie in the photos was captured from the perspective or eyes of an “old friend.”

Unlike the previous precious photos of “Ziggy Stardust” or “Aladdin Sane” or on stage, Geoff MacCormack, who has no professional photography experience or skills, has a very sincere relationship with David Bowie. Perhaps what he captures is not the most attractive or stylish side of David Bowie, but in Geoff’s lens, David Bowie is definitely at his most relaxed and unguarded moments.

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