September 8, 2020

Tchotchke Gallery presents the online exhibition “When Life Doesn’t Give You Lemons,” discovering the beauty of life in the midst of the pandemic.

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” This English proverb means that when life gives you sour lemons, make a delicious glass of lemonade! When faced with unfavorable situations in life, it’s worth looking at things from a different perspective, as it might turn into something good. In the midst of the pandemic, worrying about getting infected and having to continue living a Stay Home life while maintaining social distance from family and friends, how should we think positively and optimistically? Tchotchke Gallery brings an online exhibition called “When Life Doesn’t Give You Lemons,” where several artists, through their works, invite us to reflect together. If they say sour grapes are all you get when you can’t have them, then what taste does not being able to have lemons leave in your mouth?

“When Life Doesn’t Give You Lemons” is the first exhibition of Tchotchke Gallery, featuring works by 20 artists including Maddy Bohrer, Sydney Bowers, Lisa Armstrong Noble, Daisy Dodd Noble, Kady Grant, Nancy Grimes, Sevde Hallaç, David Heo, Sarah Kim, Robert Levine, Hannah Lupton Reinhard, and Christie Macdonald. Through their creations, they convey the idea that even in this uncertain time, they still have the inspiration and motivation to create continuously, using creativity to depict the everyday life with a humorous touch. Whether or not life gives you lemons, don’t forget to keep exploring life.

(左)Maddy Bohrer《Hoarders II》;(右)John Madu《John in the bedroom in Arles》

Do you remember the panic buying that occurred worldwide at the beginning of the pandemic? Drawing inspiration from this, Maddy Bohrer presents the work “Hoarders II”, depicting figures sitting at home, clutching a pile of food, with tense expressions revealing the pressure of hoarding supplies. What will you do while staying home every day? John Madu’s “John in the bedroom in Arles” portrays a messy room with books and paint on the floor. It is worth noting that the composition and naming of the painting evoke Van Gogh’s masterpiece “the Bedroom at Arles”, making it a tribute piece!

(左)Mikey Yates《Hoop Dreams》;(右)Hannah Lupton Reinhard《Right of Passage》

No matter when, there are always things in life that you are passionate about, such as Mikey Yates drawing a young boy who loves basketball, with the room filled with photos related to the team and games. The afternoon light shines into the room, and the boy lying on the bed is throwing his beloved basketball. The time spent playing with friends is also a cherished moment in life, right? Does Hannah Lupton Reinhard’s “Right of Passage” resonate with you at all?

Daisy Dodd Noble《Three Trees at Sunset》

Has Daisy Dodd Noble’s work “Three Trees at Sunset” brought a sense of tranquility to you amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life? The artist uses cute and humorous strokes and harmonious colors to depict three trees in the sunset, exploring the connection between humans and nature, as well as their ways of perception.

Sevde Hallaç《Power Nap》

Sevde Hallaç excels in unique portrait compositions, such as this “Power Nap” which, although only depicting a part of the figure, conveys a comfortable and lazy feeling, portraying a leisurely and pleasant nap time.

Sydney Bowers《Three Graces》

Brooklyn oil painter Sydney Bowers’ work exudes a surreal style, using three apples and a pearl necklace to create unique scenes, with soft yet vibrant colors, showcasing female themes in a different way.

If you are interested in viewing more works, you may want to visit the Tchotchke Gallery website to enjoy this online exhibition.

圖片來源:Tchotchke Gallery

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