August 24, 2020

Russian-American artist Gosha Levochkin held his first solo exhibition “(synthetic reality)” in Hong Kong!

Each painting not only represents the artist’s creativity but also carries different stories. As for how to tell these stories, each artist has their own unique style. Russian-American artist Gosha Levochkin, for example, uses a simple style of bold lines and large acrylic paintings as his unique language. He recently held his first solo exhibition in Hong Kong titled “(synthetic reality)” at Over The Influence gallery, sharing with us his childhood memories.


Gosha Levochkin’s new work is inspired by his childhood memories of cars. When he was young, he lived in Russia, where children played happily in abandoned cars, sparking his fascination with cars. In his work, you can see children playing as if in a game, along with uniquely styled cars. Some have their wheels removed, some are disassembled vertically, and some are flipped upside down, reminiscent of the state of abandoned cars.

Final Stage Restart Glitch

In addition to unique composition and vivid colors, there is a special feature in Gosha Levochkin’s work, which can be viewed from different angles to reveal different stories. Through the use of cars as an anchor to reality, Levochkin confuses the narrative perspective, allowing the top and bottom of the paintings to be interchangeable, leaving viewers wondering: is it the car that crushed the girl, or is the girl dancing on the car chassis?

(左)Day Star Jungle;(右)Maybe It’s Like This

What is the “reality” after all? Different perspectives bring different interpretations, and both interpretations are actually “reality”, depending on the viewpoint and angle. Information is communicated and digested in various ways, where information that used to be discerned through knowledge and experience is now told in the form of stories. Just like the name of the exhibition, “synthetic reality”, it is a “synthetic reality”.

(左)Shoulder Button for the Middle Finger;(右)Untitled

If you are interested, why not visit Over the Influence to appreciate the exhibition of Gosha Levochkin, and try to interpret his paintings from your perspective.

「(synthetic reality)」Gosha Levochkin 展覽
日期:即日起至 9 月26 日(每週二至週六,上午 11 時至晚上 7 時)
地點:香港荷李活道 159 號 Over the Influence 底層展廳

圖片來源:Over the Influence

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