June 17, 2024

Let Naoshima in Japan be called “Ando’s Island”! Tadao Ando’s 10th Naoshima New Art Museum will open in 2025.

Naoshima, located in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan, is known as a modern art sanctuary for its collection of masterpieces and the triennial Setouchi International Art Festival. It attracts a large number of art enthusiasts to visit and pay homage, such as the Japanese architectural master Tadao Ando (あんどう ただお / Andou Tadao), who has created 9 buildings on Naoshima. The 10th building is set to be completed in 2025, making Naoshima the place with the highest concentration of Tadao Ando’s architectural works, a must-visit destination for Tadao Ando fans!

Throughout, Tadao Ando has always been very fond of the culture and scenery of Naoshima, so his latest architectural work is located on a hill in Naoshima, Japan, with a total area of over 3000 square meters, named “Naoshima New Art Museum” (temporary translation), a museum that connects the island’s art and cultural facilities!

But before this new building emerged, Tadao Ando actually had many design footprints on Naoshima: from the 1992 Benesse House Museum, Chichu Art Museum, Valley Gallery to the latest Naoshima New Art Museum, all of which combine consistent design elements such as “light and shadow” and geometric shapes, placing a strong emphasis on harmonizing and integrating with the surrounding environment.

Valley Art Gallery, established in 2021

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