May 14, 2024

Leica Hong Kong Causeway Bay flagship store holds the 44th Leitz camera auction preview exhibition.


The Leica and Leitz Camera Auction will hold its 44th edition preview at the flagship store in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, showcasing a range of classic and rare items. As the only stop for the touring preview in Asia, Leica once again highlights its industry-leading craftsmanship. The first M system camera, the Leica M3, has been around for 70 years. The M3 and subsequent products in the M system have played a significant role in photographic history, thanks to their pioneering innovative technology and the favor of famous photojournalists in the 20th century. The theme of the Leitz Camera Auction is a tribute to this period of photographic history. Since its establishment in 2002, the Leitz Camera Auction, held twice a year, mainly auctions antique cameras and camera accessories, and is also one of the most well-known channels for selling photography equipment with significant historical significance.

Traditionally, each Leitz Camera Auction is showcased in a touring preview format. The 44th Leitz Camera Auction will be held on June 8, 2024 at the Leitz Park in Wetzlar, Germany. The touring preview will take place from May 7 to 8 at the Leica Flagship Store in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Camera enthusiasts will have the opportunity to admire up close the highly anticipated cameras, lenses, and related accessories at the auction, as well as interact with the experts. Additionally, the store will also host a preview of the “Gestures” photography theme auction, featuring a series of iconic photographic works. The Leica Flagship Store in Causeway Bay will showcase ten selected photos. In addition to classic photography works by Edward Weston, Pirkle Jones, and Ruth Bernhard, famous documentary photos taken by Walker Evans and Inge Morath will also be on display. This photography theme auction will take place in October this year.

The highlight of this auction is the Leica black paint version MP2 camera produced in 1958. Among the 27 camera prototypes in the same batch, only 6 (serial numbers 935507 – 935512) are black paint versions, with the MP2 camera with serial number 935509 set to be auctioned on June 8th at the Westler auction. Overall, the MP2 is a modified version of the Leica M2 camera, featuring a custom electric winder that can capture 3.5 photos per second. This item is considered one of the rarest Leica cameras in existence, estimated to be valued between 600,000 to 700,000 euros. As for rare camera accessories, the Leitz New York rifle camera stands out. This camera is equipped with a unique rifle stock originally designed for wildlife photography, inspired by the famous wildlife photographer Attilio Gatti, one of the earliest European photographers to capture African wildlife. Experts estimate that less than 15 units of this rifle-shaped camera were produced. The 44th Leitz Camera Auction will feature the Leitz New York rifle-style camera with serial number 119. The lot also includes a Leica IIIb camera and a Telyt 5/40cm lens, estimated to be valued at 240,000 to 260,000 euros.

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