April 13, 2023

2023 Hong Kong Spring Auction Results Impressive, How Many of These 10 Contemporary Artworks Over 10 Million Do You Know?

Since the end of March and the beginning of April, major auction houses have successively launched a new round of spring auctions, including Sotheby’s Hong Kong, Christie’s, China Guardian, and Poly Auction Hong Kong, bringing an art feast to local and international collectors. This season brings together extraordinary works of art, and the contemporary art section has achieved impressive results. Below, let us select 10 works that have sold for over tens of millions, or even billions, to share with everyone!

Zhang Daqian’s “Flowers Blossoming in Ten Zhangs with Varied Shadows” | Final Price: HKD 250 million
Sotheby’s Hong Kong

張大千 花開十丈影參差 潑墨潑彩金箋 雙摺屏風 一九七三年作 款識: 「六十二年」(1973) 癸丑中秋,寫於大風堂。爰翁七十有五歲。 鈐印: 「張爰之印」、「大千居士」、「金石同壽」、「大風堂」、「環蓽庵」、「得心應手」。 170 x 176 cm (圖片來源:蘇富比)

Zhang Daqian’s “Flowers Blossoming in Ten Zhangs with Varied Shadows” was honored as the highest-selling lot at the Sotheby’s Hong Kong Spring Auction in 2023, selling for HKD 250 million. It is the third highest-priced artwork by Zhang Daqian!

This piece was painted in 1973. Zhang Daqian first used light ink as a base, then layered it with heavy ink. Large lotus leaves are prominently displayed, and mineral pigments are splashed on, creating a misty and vibrant effect. Zhang Daqian loved lotus flowers throughout his life, and this work is a representative example of his passion for this subject. The use of gold foil throughout the painting adds to its preciousness, contributing to its high value.

Joan Miró “Untitled” | Sold for: HKD 50,570,000
Sotheby’s Hong Kong

胡安・米羅 1893 – 1983年 無題 款識 Miró(右下) Miró pour Diane et Thomas Bouchard de tout coeur N.Y.-12-10-47(畫背) 油畫畫布 91.5 x 121.7 cm.. 1947 作(圖片來源:蘇富比)

This painting broke the Asian auction record set by Sotheby’s Hong Kong in November 2022 with “Starry Stroll”. In 1947, Juan Miró, who was already well-known in the European and American art world, visited the United States for the first time, and this untitled piece was created during his time there. The artwork combines vibrant primary colors and calligraphic lines, reminiscent of the cosmic imagery in the “Constellations” series, while also showcasing a shift in Miró’s artistic style.

Marc Chagall’s “Bride with Bouquet” | Sold for HKD 27.07 million
Sotheby’s Hong Kong

馬克・夏加爾 1887 – 1985年 捧花新娘 款識 Marc Chagall(右下) Marc Chagall(畫背) 油畫畫布 130 x 81.5 cm. 1977年作(圖片來源:蘇富比)

This is the artist’s second most expensive work in Asia. The vibrant colors and whimsical characters make “Bouquet Bride” as joyful as Chagall’s later works. This piece combines Chagall’s classic blue tones with vibrant red, yellow, and green, showcasing his mastery of color while reflecting his deep inspiration from the Mediterranean sunlight of southern France.

Further reading:

Wang Junjie “Twilight River” | Transaction Price: HKD 52.3 million
Hong Kong Sotheby’s

王俊傑 1984 – 2019年 黃昏的河流 油畫畫布 2018年作 款識 《RIVER AT DUSK》,王,2018(作品背面) 203.2 x 177.8 公分 (圖片來源:蘇富比)

Wang Junjie’s masterpiece “The River at Dusk” is colorful, with a winding emerald green river flowing towards the center of the painting, flanked by artist’s signature, rainbow-colored tree-shaped lollipops. This work is an outstanding example of Wang Junjie’s skillful use of lively brushstrokes, with thick layers of paint and dots of color dancing vividly on the canvas, perfectly capturing the essence of the dusk scenery.

Loie Hollowell’s “Standing in Red” | Sold for HKD 18 million
Sotheby’s Hong Kong

洛伊・霍洛韋爾 1983年生 站立於紅色 油彩、壓克力媒材及高密度泡沫亞麻布,綳於木板 2019年作 款識 《Standing in Red》,Loie Hollowell,2019(作品背面) 182.9 x 137.2 x 9.5 公分 (圖片來源:蘇富比)

“Standing in Red” is extremely captivating, full of temptation and sacredness, and is a classic masterpiece by Holoway. Holoway currently resides in New York and his works have received wide acclaim. This work evokes the mysterious power contained in religious or symbolically meaningful patterns, fully showcasing Holoway’s use of light, color, and shape to explore the theme of the female body in a highly impactful artistic creation.

Yoshitomo Nara “Searching for Treasure” Sold for HKD 83.85 million
Fulwise Hong Kong

The works created by Yoshitomo Nara during his time in Germany are highly sought after, and “Searching for Treasure” was created during this important period in Germany. Yoshitomo Nara pairs the girl in the painting with a divination staff, seemingly contemplating the connection between “prospecting” and the natural world, as well as the mysterious aspect of supernatural divination. The long, rod-like divination staff also implies the meaning of a paintbrush, indicating that the little girl in his brushstrokes is actually a self-portrait, reflecting his search for artistic development “treasure” during his years in Germany.

Yayoi Kusama “Pumpkin” | Sold for HKD 56.11 million
Christie’s Hong Kong

The painting in this auction is full, symmetrical, and rich, serving as an exquisite example of Yayoi Kusama’s highly sought-after pumpkin paintings. The contrasting golden yellow and jet black in “Pumpkin” create a vibrant and energetic composition. Additionally, the artwork seamlessly combines dots, infinite nets, and pumpkins, skillfully embodying the artist’s obsession with concepts such as accumulation, repetition, and infinity.

Murakami Takashi “Parent and Child of Flowers” | Sold for: HKD 14,002,000
Fu Yi Si Hong Kong

村上隆 《花之親子》 款識:TAKASHI 2020(較大人物頸部內邊緣) 金箔 銅雕 248.5 x 152.3 x 115.3 公分 2018-2020年作,此為獨版作品,並附貝浩登畫廊之保證書。(圖片來源:富藝斯香港)

Takashi Murakami’s “Parent and Child of Flowers” is meticulously crafted with gold leaf, bursting with dazzling brilliance. Murakami demonstrates a profound understanding of contemporary global culture and is recognized as an innovator and cultural icon of our time. “Parent and Child of Flowers” showcases the artist’s unique visual language, offering an original response to contemporary reality and emotions.

Gerhard Richter “Abstract Painting (607-2)” | Sold for HKD 30 million
Poly Hong Kong

格哈德・里希特《抽象畫 (607-2)》 1986

This work is a perfect masterpiece that embodies all of Richter’s techniques. Richter used the most classic colors of this period: bright red, yellow, green, and blue. The main image is created by scraping and smearing large areas of oil paint, with layers of vibrant colors stacked on top of each other, and scratch-like lines extending from the bottom of the painting. The strong and vibrant lines and colors in the image perfectly showcase the artistic essence of the artist’s peak moment in abstract painting.

朱德群《輝煌》| 成交價: 10,680,000 港元
中國嘉德(香港) Translation: Zhu Dequn “Brilliance” | Transaction Price: HKD 10,680,000
China Guardian (Hong Kong)


Zhu Dequn’s “Brilliance” is the cover artwork for this auction. The painting embodies three major aesthetic characteristics of “shocking light source,” “innovative image,” and “color rhythm” that he deepened after the millennium, making it a culmination of his 50 years in France. This work breaks away from the artist’s usual use of concentrated light sources, central composition, and predominantly blue-green tones in his later works, and instead takes a different approach with a scattered light spot composition, creating a “diverse visual space.”

In addition, another giant auction house, Christie’s, will officially debut its spring auction in May. Everyone remember to closely follow our related reports!

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