December 2, 2022

Poly Hong Kong’s first children’s art exhibition! Children can use their adorable strokes to draw masterpieces by famous artists such as Zhu Dequn and Wu Guanzhong, and even become little auctioneers!

Poly Hong Kong has recently launched a new initiative, collaborating with Kids’ Gallery to bring “Artistic Fun for Children” courses that integrate art, learning, experience, creation, appreciation, art exhibitions, auctions, and charity elements together for the first time!

Audrey Chiu 《Au Au’s Ice-cream Art 》年齡: 8 創作靈感:偉恩・第伯
Waverley Jiyun Wong 《Friends》 年齡: 9 創作靈感:尚・米榭・巴斯奇亞

Under the guidance of Kids’ Gallery visual arts teachers, all participating students, including two students sponsored by the collaborating charity organization, Heart Light Blind Home and School, have completed their art creations over a period of more than two months. Their artworks will be exhibited at Poly Hong Kong Art Space from December 5th to 10th, and the charity auction will be held on December 11th, with all proceeds donated to Heart Light Blind Home and School for charitable purposes.


In order to cultivate the artistic appreciation and creative abilities of the new generation, experts from Poly Hong Kong’s Contemporary Art Department will accompany participating students to visit the Tai Kwun exhibition “Into Your Eyes – Pipilotti Rist” to develop their aesthetic logic and stimulate their creativity. In addition, Professor Luo Jingwen, the appointed auctioneer, will also hold an auctioneer skills class, giving children the opportunity to become little charity auctioneers.

Rory Liu 《Message》 Age 年齡: 4 創作靈感:草間彌生
Waverley Jiyun Wong 《Home Sweet Home》 年齡: 9 創作靈感:吳冠中
Aiden Chen 《Secret to Freedom》 年齡: 9 創作靈感:朱德群
尤允康《睡蓮》年齡:9(心光學校、心光恩望學校 — 學生視藝作品)

The highlight of the charity auction will be held on December 11th, with Poly Auction Hong Kong’s official auctioneer, Luo Jingwen, taking the stage for the first time with students to auction off their artwork. Everyone is encouraged to attend and support this meaningful auction!

Poly Hong Kong x Kids’ Gallery “Childlike Art and Fun” Children’s Art Exhibition and Charity Auction
Date: December 5th to 10th, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Location: 7th Floor, Poly Hong Kong Art Space, Phase 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty

Charity Auction
Date: 11th December 2022, 2:00 PM

Image source and learn more: Poly Hong Kong

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