May 14, 2024

From clothing to jewelry, experience the diversity of French culture in detail! The Hong Kong Palace Museum presents the “French Century of Fashion” exhibition in June.

France has always been one of the world’s cultural centers, home to many world-renowned artists, and famous for its deep cultural traditions. In celebration of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France, this June, the Hong Kong Palace Museum will host a grand special exhibition “French Century Fashion – Paris Decorative Arts Museum Clothing and Jewelry Collection, 1770-1910” (“French Century Fashion” exhibition), reviewing the history of French fashion from the 1770s to the 1910s. It is also the largest exhibition of its kind in Asia in recent years, allowing everyone to experience the diversity of French culture together!

“French Century of Fashion” Exhibition

“The Glamour of French Fashion – Paris Decorative Arts Museum’s Fashion and Jewelry Collection, 1770-1910,” jointly organized by the Paris Decorative Arts Museum and the Hong Kong Palace Museum, will showcase over 300 precious treasures from the museum’s most important collection of French fashion and decorative arts in the country. This includes exquisite French clothing, jewelry, and accessories from the late 18th century to the early 20th century, exploring the evolution of French fashion over a century and the relationship between clothing and the body. Almost all exhibits are being shown in Asia for the first time, with some never having been exhibited outside of Paris or France, providing a comprehensive display of the large-scale exhibition of French fashion collections from this period.

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  • The exhibition will tell fascinating stories from the history of French fashion, exploring how clothing shapes the body and the influence of cultural fusion on the evolution of French fashion. Therefore, the exhibition is divided into five sections, showcasing the history of French fashion from the 1770s to the 1910s, with the curatorial and design concept of “dressing children as dolls,” recreating the different combinations of clothing worn by French men and women at various times and occasions. Starting with the magnificent court dresses of the 18th century, the exhibition displays how members of the French royal family and nobility used clothing to showcase their identity and status within and outside the court. By the mid-19th century, the large, cage-like hoop skirts became an iconic fashion feature in France and throughout Europe, shaping the slim waists and hourglass figures of noblewomen at the time, symbolizing both the pleasure and pain brought by elaborate clothing.

    Highlights of the exhibition also include a stunning gown designed by Charles Frederick Worth (1825-1895), known as the “Father of Haute Couture.” Worth’s important clients included Empress Eugénie (1826-1920), who was a leading figure in French fashion during the reign of Napoleon III. Worth was a pioneer in using live models for fashion shows and was the first “fashion designer” to sew his label into garments. His innovative concepts had a significant impact on the fashion industry.

    This exhibition also provides a new perspective on the fusion of multiple cultures in French fashion. One of the treasures is a coat worn by French male nobility in the 18th century, made of French silk fabric with patterns imitating Chinese silk, which was considered a luxury in France at that time. Visitors can see the trade and cultural exchanges between China and France, as well as the inspiration that Chinese silk has brought to French fashion design.

    In addition, the exhibition also features immersive exhibition design and innovative educational activities, showcasing selected Western classic films from different periods. Through the scenes of characters wearing costumes in the films, viewers can gain a deeper understanding of the details and contexts of historical costume wearing. Utilizing multimedia technology, people can delve into the inseparable relationship between underwear, clothing, and body shape over the past century and its evolution. The final section also includes a special “fitting room” area, allowing visitors to virtually “try on” the exquisite clothing, accessories, and jewelry in the exhibition, while learning interesting facts about the evolution of French fashion.

    “French Fashion Through the Centuries – Fashion and Jewelry Treasures from the Paris Decorative Arts Museum, 1770-1910”
    Date: June 26, 2024 to October 14, 2024
    Location: Hong Kong Palace Museum

    *For more information, please refer to the museum website.

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