May 13, 2024

Meeting unexpectedly in the light and shadow! M+ hosts the first “Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival”

Located in the West Kowloon Cultural District, M+, the first global museum of contemporary visual culture in Asia, announced the first “Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival” (Film Festival), supported by CHANEL. The four-day festival showcases independent art and film productions from across Asia, highlighting vibrant film communities, original visual languages, and cross-cultural dialogues, celebrating alternative moving image creations that have shaped the rich artistic landscape of the Asian region over the past sixty years!

Encounter the Unexpected in the Light and Shadow

The Asian avant-garde film festival focuses on independent art and film production, challenging mainstream historical narratives, and expanding the possibilities of visual expression. By showcasing a series of moving image creations and important works from the M+ collection, the film festival will inject new vitality into the museum, providing audiences with different aesthetics and spatial experiences. It also invites Hong Kong’s renowned photographer and filmmaker, Christopher Doyle, to serve as artistic director, overseeing the visual identity of the film festival and providing his previously unreleased photography works for the main visual poster and trailer!

The inaugural film festival examines the production history of Asian avant-garde cinema from a unique visual cultural perspective, reflecting on its interdisciplinary, intercultural, and intergenerational development. The festival emphasizes the crucial role artists play in reexamining the past and shaping new historical narratives. Artists and filmmakers from across Asia, including Nick Deocampo, Ray Lei, Liao Peiyi, Lu Yang, Pao Ailun, Wing Shya, Su Huiyu, Huang Bing, Yang Ziyi, and Zhang Peili, will participate in post-screening discussions, workshops, dialogues, and performances. Festival activities include: “Wing Shya × nnscya Phantom Frequencies: An Audiovisual Experience,” “Lu Yang Illusory World,” “Between Touches,” “Fearless Gaze,” “Artistic Gathering,” “Self and Society,” “Watch and Learn,” “Zhang Peili: Weaving the Web,” “Shattered Desires: Nick Deocampo’s Selection,” “Yang Ziyi and Ren Guoguang – 16mm Experimentations,” “Glamorous Boys of the Tang Dynasty: Enhanced Version,” “Handmade Animation,” “Secrets and Lies,” “Private Diary,” and “Amorphous Bodies: An Experimental Performance.”

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