April 9, 2024

MGM Macau collaborates with renowned Chinese director Zhang Yimou to create the art project “MGM 2049” residency show! Grand opening at the MGM Theater in December.

Last night, the top international creative team gathered at the MGM Theater in Macau to kick off the “MGM 2049” special discussion and global recruitment launch ceremony. The guest speakers included: Chairman and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited, **Pansy Ho**, internationally renowned Chinese director and overall director of “MGM 2049” **Zhang Yimou**, “MGM 2049” music director and crossover musician **Wu Tong**, “MGM 2049” dance director and resident choreographer of the Hong Kong City Contemporary Dance Company **Sang Jiaga**, “MGM 2049” cinematographer and independent visual designer **Dominic Faraway**, as well as “MGM 2049” underwater photography director and underwater filming expert **Bernard Prentice**, marking the beginning of this cultural and tourism event!

“MGM 2049” On-site Show

“MGM 2049” is director Zhang Yimou’s first on-site masterpiece in the Greater Bay Area, integrating technology and innovative performance methods with a top-notch creative team to reinterpret traditional Chinese culture and break the boundaries of the stage. Director Zhang stated that this is a test for him and a rare global art performance. This on-site show is also a tribute to the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 25th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland, helping Macau’s cultural performance to reach a new level of high-quality development.

Further Reading:

  • Rediscovering Geometric Abstract Art! Exclusive Interview with Chinese Artist Huo Gang
  • Life is like architecture! Hong Kong Bank of China Tower designer, Chinese-American architectural giant Ieoh Ming Pei’s first large-scale retrospective exhibition opens at M+ in June!
  • Unraveling the Mystery of Planet Walala! Exclusive Interview with French Artist Camille Walala
  • From “Dialogue · Fables 2047” to “MGM 2049”

    But when it comes to inheritance, it inevitably reminds people of Zhang Yimou’s previous work “Dialogue · Fable 2047“.

    “Dialogue. Fable 2047” is a new conceptual performance directed by Zhang Yimou, with the theme of the relationship between humans and technology, creating a stage play that combines tradition and modernity. Using an artistic approach that is visually appealing, entertaining, and thought-provoking, it presents the confusion that humanity faces in the face of rapidly advancing technology. This artistic project combines artistic beauty, philosophical reflection, and the latest technological implications, bringing the audience a visually stunning spectacle.

    The “2047” in the name represents the future, and the creators also demonstrate an “attitude” – the creative team takes inspiration from the “intangible cultural heritage” of Shaanxi, the harmony of Tibetan culture, the Fujian wooden Tonghaozi, and the Xiaoxi ancient qin, using the latest technology from around the world to try to give traditional, nearly lost arts a new form of expression, becoming a more powerful, more vibrant inheritance, while also guiding people to reflect.

    Audiences who have seen the previous work may have experienced a kind of beauty shock and a freshness that subverts past viewing experiences. As for this “MGM 2049”, although I cannot reveal too much, director Zhang Yimou said, “From “Dialogue. Fable 2047” to “MGM 2049”, it is like an upgraded version of the previous work, and as a resident show, it is also a very bold idea and decision, presenting many unique feelings through the collision of 8 segments, 8 sets of traditional culture, and 8 sets of modern technology. In addition to different elements, there are also things that could not be achieved in previous works, as this is a completely new, original part. The effect is very unique and needs everyone to come and experience it personally.”

    Youth and Youthfulness

    Of course, inheritance is an important part of it, and it is certainly related to people. “I think today’s audience is no longer satisfied with just watching that kind of entertaining interaction or performance, and the market has become more diversified, especially the demands of young people have become more extensive,” said director Zhang Yimou.

    Inheriting requires people, especially the younger generation, so it focuses on and needs to attract the charm of young people. Art cannot remain unchanged, nor can it only be displayed in museums, so creativity and innovative development are necessary. “It is necessary for young people to understand, care for, and inherit, in order to keep Chinese culture continuous. Art also needs to develop and diversify to enter people’s hearts, reach the young, and resonate with people, that is true and good art.”

    Later, he further addressed the young people: “To engage in art, one must persevere, especially in today’s internet age. In fact, persisting in one’s dreams is the most difficult. The more information there is, the more integrated it becomes, the harder it is to maintain oneself. And everyone can see us standing on stage, which is the result of perseverance.”


    Is technology a friend or an enemy? Perhaps no one can answer that question definitively today, but at least we have the space to think and reflect.

    Right: Chairman and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited Pansy Ho
    Left: Renowned Chinese director and Chief Director of “MGM 2049” Zhang Yimou

    At the high-tech and comprehensive MGM Theater, let the guests on stage and the audience below collide with ideas, discussing the Eastern creative trends of the performance. This residency show has also transformed into a base that integrates cultural heritage, talent cultivation, and promotes Macau’s diverse development, bringing a unique market stage show to Macau, while also focusing on cultural tourism and stage creation, enhancing Macau’s performing arts industry’s international competitiveness. Therefore, MGM will also launch a “Global Recruitment Launch Ceremony” to recruit talents both on and off stage, together creating and illuminating Macau’s “City of Performing Arts” business card.

    Director Zhang Yimou said: “Today, Macau, as the ‘International Capital of Performing Arts,’ carries the historical mission of inheritance and innovation. We chose Macau as the creative venue for this performance, hoping to leverage its international tourism platform and gateway advantages to deepen the window of Chinese culture to the outside world. ‘MGM 2049’ will adhere to an international perspective, the fusion of Eastern creativity and future aesthetics, using technology as a global language, strengthening the confidence of the Chinese nation, and making the world fall in love with China.”

    Looking forward to “MGM 2049” entering the MGM Theater in December!

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