September 14, 2023

German artist Sabine Finkenauer collaborates with Marimekko, injecting vitality into home decor with geometric patterns.

Sabine Finkenauer

German artist Sabine Finkenauer specializes in presenting simple everyday themes and shapes in an abstract way in her artworks. Recently, she collaborated with Marimekko to launch the 2023 early autumn home collection, incorporating five original art pieces into various iconic products of the brand.

Sabine Finkenauer

Finkenauer has created five original artworks for this collaboration, including: Tomina, Kalendi, Sambara, Losange, and Atalaya. These artworks have been applied to various Marimekko products such as Oiva tableware, printed fabrics, cushion covers, tea towels, and scented candles, showcasing the unique style and artistic features of both parties and injecting vitality into the home collection.

Sabine Finkenauer

The key focus of the Early Autumn collection is to dress up the home in the same color scheme, while mixing primary colors to create a bolder presentation that makes the products more eye-catching, while also balancing the entire collection. This design style brings a sense of freedom and relaxation, allowing people to freely express their personality and style. Whether at home or at work, Marimekko’s products can bring a sense of freshness and vitality to users, allowing them to experience the beauty of life.

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