April 21, 2021

Asia’s largest cryptocurrency platform and education center, CoinUnited.io, is coming to Hong Kong and will also be hosting a touring NFT art exhibition!

The “cryptocurrency” craze is sweeping the globe, and NFT “crypto art” has even greater potential for development. However, blockchain technology and related knowledge may be daunting for many. The largest cryptocurrency platform and education center in Asia, CoinUnited.io, recently opened its first flagship store in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, to help everyone understand cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as promote NFT art.

CoinUnited.io was officially established in Hong Kong in January this year, closely following the latest market trends and information, providing accurate and comprehensive cryptocurrency tutorials and knowledge, as well as reliable and secure trading services. The service center on the 2nd floor of the flagship store in Causeway Bay and the Bitcoin ATM have already started operating.

As for the 3rd floor of the flagship store, it includes the CoinUnited.io Premier service center designed for VIP customers, a multipurpose event meeting space for seminars and introductions, as well as various leisure and entertainment facilities such as an F1 Formula Racing Simulator, pool table, 3-meter high climbing wall, basketball hoop, and fitness equipment, which will officially operate in early June.

CoinUnited.io 首間旗艦店

NFT “crypto art” is becoming increasingly popular, and the CoinUnited.io team has also purchased over 100 NFT artworks, making it the unit with the most NFT artworks in Hong Kong. Recently, they also bid over $140,000 for the world’s first female singer’s NFT full song – Lindsay Lohan’s single “Lullaby”. The team will continue to purchase different NFT artworks and hopes to collaborate with local art creators to help them enter the NFT market.

CoinUnited.io 首間旗艦店
Lindsay Lohan 單曲《Lullaby》

After the flagship store of CoinUnited.io on the 3rd floor is in service, a small NFT art exhibition will be held to showcase some purchased works. At the same time, a large-scale NFT touring exhibition is being planned to allow more people to appreciate art anytime, anywhere, bringing more possibilities to art.

CoinUnited.io 首間旗艦店
由 Marti Wong 創作的電腦遊戲
「小朋友齊打交」(Little Fighter) 之 NFT

CoinUnited.io flagship store:
Address: 2nd and 3rd floor, V POINT, 18 Dragon Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

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