August 21, 2020

Local art photographer Tugo Cheng brings the local cultural landscape series “One Land, One Water”, capturing the harmonious beauty between people and nature.

Through photography, we capture the scenes in front of us, preserving the most beautiful landscapes in our eyes one by one. The meaning of each photo is not just to record people and events, but under the delicate capture of the lens, the unique human landscape of a place is also fully captured. The magnificent natural scenery of China has fascinated local art photographer Tugo Cheng, who has traveled throughout China, using his lens to bring the local human landscape series “A Land of Diversity,” allowing us to experience regional culture and local customs from a new perspective.

Zheng Zhenyang, who has won multiple international photography awards and was selected as one of the “Perspective Asia-Pacific 40 Young Artists” in 2017, is not only an artistic photographer but also an architect. Therefore, he pays special attention to the rhythm and order within natural landscapes when taking photographs.

The “One Side Water and Soil” series of works are taken by drones, capturing rural wonders such as tea gardens, terraces, and salt wells. From the poetic and beautiful composition of the photos, unique lines and geometric shapes, as well as the aesthetic use of color and texture, you can feel the unique rhythm and beauty of mountains and farmland.

The relationship between humans and nature is inseparable. For the sake of survival, people have long been reshaping the natural environment, such as building terraces. “One Side of the Earth” records the moments when humans interact with nature. We can see images of farmers working by hand, walking along the small paths of the terraces, presenting a sense of simplicity and harmony.

“One Land, One Water” also tells us that the tea, rice, oil, salt, and other foods we eat every day actually conceal unique scenes behind them, allowing us to experience different cultural life stories in different places through photos. A series of photos presents the balance between traditional agriculture and ecological systems, intertwining humans and nature to create the most beautiful scenery.

圖片來源:bluelotusgalleryhk Facebook, blue lotus gallery

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