May 8, 2019

Fashionistas take note! IKEA Art Event 2019 showcases 8 artistic rugs, with the series available in limited quantities!


Since 2014, IKEA Art Event has collaborated with contemporary artists from around the world every year, bringing a variety of artworks to add vibrancy to everyone’s daily home life. This year, IKEA Art Event focuses on rugs, blending tapestry art, carpet craftsmanship, and various style designs, collaborating with 8 artists from different fields to create a short-term limited series.

The reason why this theme is chosen is because, considering the narrow living spaces in Hong Kong, decorating homes must be done with the premise of not taking up space. Therefore, a unique carpet or tapestry can enhance the taste and artistic sense of the home without becoming an obstacle. Eight artists have added features to the ordinary carpet in different ways, embodying boundless creativity and “artistic life”.

IKEA will hold a short-term exhibition at PMQ in Central from May 10th to 20th, showcasing a series of works for the public to appreciate up close the unique beauty of these 8 “art carpets”. After the exhibition ends, the products will be available in limited quantities on the event webpage on May 20th and 21st. Customers who wish to purchase can register for a lucky draw, and those selected will have priority to buy the products.

Source of information and images: provided by IKEA

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