12月 5, 2022



今年是英国北格陵兰考察队成立70周年,这支考察队曾于1952年从伦敦泰晤士河畔的德特福德启程,前往格陵兰岛开展为期两年的科学研究。队员们佩戴的正是Tudor当时推出的首款自动上链防水腕表Oyster Prince,为了向他们致敬,Tudor特别在今年推出游侠型Ranger系列。

为了庄重其事,品牌在中环举行了一场名为“北格陵兰考察 Tudor 敢为之旅”的展览,向当年考察队以及他们所佩戴的手表致敬;展览不仅展示了部分当年考察的相关档案,品牌还特别从日内瓦运送了70年前考察队曾佩戴的Oyster Prince型号7808手表,以及一系列有几十年历史的经典表款。

Considering the extremely cold temperatures in the polar region, the watches used in this test are specially lubricated with “Arctic” oil and equipped with strap extension parts, so that the explorers can wear the watches outside the sleeves of their windproof coats. After returning from Greenland, one of the explorers wrote a letter to Rolex, stating that his watch can “maintain excellent accuracy” and “never needs manual winding”, and this letter has been preserved in the brand’s archives.

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