8月 24, 2022

Puma发布Hoop系列新成员,Rise NITRO篮球鞋有助提升球赛水平!


想在篮球场上展现水准?当然少不了一双具备“实力”的篮球鞋,Puma 新推出的功能性篮球鞋 Rise NITRO,采用创新的 PUMA Hoops 篮球鞋技术,能确保双腿的灵活度,让穿者在比赛期间爆发实力!

鞋身以特制的针织物制造,多区域性的无缝设计让球鞋保持轻巧,同时支撑双脚,亦不失透气及舒适。其中采用的创新 PUMA Hoops 篮球鞋技术,包括 NITRO FOAM,能确保极致的灵活度及缓冲。

In addition, the team also applies PWRTAPE to the sneakers to enhance stability in key areas; paired with a specially designed anti-slip rubber compound throughout the shoe, increasing durability and friction, suitable for quick changes in direction and jumping. In addition to its athletic functionality, the design of the sneakers is also full of fashion-forward elements, with the brand’s signature stripes in vibrant colors, enhancing the overall visibility of the shoes. 此外,团队还将PWRTAPE应用到球鞋上,以增强关键区域的稳定性;配以全篇幅特制防滑橡胶合成物,提高耐用性和摩擦力,适用于快速变向和跳跃。除了运动功能外,球鞋的设计也充满时尚前瞻性,品牌标志性条纹色彩鲜明,提升整双球鞋的知名度。

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