7月 16, 2022

Eatology携带Limitless Health推出六星期挑战计划,提倡饮食、训练一致性目标!

每年炎夏,正值是展示體魄身段的良機,科學度身訂製膳食平台 Eatology 宣佈攜 Limitless Health 合作推出全新六星期挑戰計劃,循飲食及身體鍛鍊兩大方向,為所有人提供最全面的周全訓練計劃。

This collaboration, each meal plan has been designed, tested, and approved by the Eatology nutritionist team, and then customized to create the most personalized high-quality meal plan based on each individual’s daily dietary and fitness needs, allowing trainers to focus on Limitless Health’s training designed according to physiological status, biochemistry, thinking, and lifestyle without worrying about food pairing and preparation. Customers can choose from six options including the Paleolithic diet menu, Asian flavor menu, and the New Atkins ketogenic meal plan to make reservations for the menu that best suits their needs.


Eatology 的创始人 Guillaume Kaminer 和 Christophe Daures 表示:“我们非常高兴能够与 Limitless Health 合作推出全新的六周挑战计划,我们希望让顾客意识到持续健康饮食和锻炼的重要性,均衡饮食结合固定的锻炼习惯才是实现持久健康身体的关键。因此,我们特别推出为期六周的挑战计划,餐单提供了身体所需的重要营养和能量,满足顾客的营养需求,让他们能够保持健康的日常生活,同时省去备餐的烦恼。”

所有预订六周挑战计划的Eatology客户可免费报名Limitless Health的私人咨询和健身课程试听体验,并在首个课程(12或24节课程)享受10%的折扣。与此同时,预订一组课程的Limitless Health客户也可以享受10%的折扣订购Eatology的六周饮食计划。有兴趣的朋友,不妨到Eatology或Limitless Health的官方网站了解更多。


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